Physician Compensation Committee (PCC)

On February 20, 2020, the Government of Alberta announced that it was cancelling its Master Agreement with the AMA and despite on-going discussions, the Government proceeded with unilateral implementation of a new Physician Funding Framework.

This included the cancellation of PCC. The last meeting was held at the end of January 2020.

As a part of the Physician Funding Framework, the Physician Compensation Advisory Committee (PCAC) was created by the government (with the intent of replacing PCC) to conduct reviews of rates for services under the SOMB and make recommendations to the Minister. A Terms of Reference was provided to the AMA and includes the following highlights:

  • Be accountable to the Minister of Health.
  • Hold all meetings in camera.
  • Conduct reviews of rates under the SOMB.
  • Attempt to make recommendations by consensus and if not possible, allow the Chair make decisions.
  • An independent Chair will be appointed by the Minister and will make written recommendations to the Minister.
  • The Minister makes PCAC appointments but the AMA was asked to submit nominees. The AMA suggested Dr. Melanie Currie and Dr. Jeff Way. A third physician, Dr. Lyle Oberg, was also appointed by the Minister.

Attendance at the PCAC has been limited to AH staff and physicians, while AMA staff have been excluded from the meetings.

Stock photo by Pressfoto via Freepik.comAbout the committee

PCC is a joint committee that includes representatives from Alberta Health and the Alberta Medical Association. 

The committee is comprised of an appointed Chair and three representatives from each of Alberta Health and AMA. The PCC-appointed Chair operates independently and is not affiliated with either organization. The AMA’s three representatives are guided by the Board of Directors, which is advised by our internal Alberta Medical Association compensation committee and other groups.

The committee was established under the AMA Agreement to provide a specific and focused “authority and responsibility over all elements of physician compensation, plans and programs subject to the provisions of the AMA Agreement.”

A Physician’s Guide to the PCC and Individual Fee Review Process

In answer to questions that physicians have raised about the Physician Compensation Committee process and the work that it does, the Board of Directors had this detailed document prepared for members. If you have any technical questions about how the PCC works, your answer can likely be found here!

PCC Update

This publication from the Physician Compensation Committee is designed to provide regular updates on the approvals, decisions and accomplishments that take place at that table.

PCC membership

PCC members include:

  • Chair: Dr. David Peachey
  • Alberta Health: Leann Wagner, Camille Bailer, Ashley Stacewicz
  • Alberta Health Services: Bill Hondas, Thea Leskewich
  • Alberta Medical Association: Dr. Jonathan Choy, Dr. Melanie Currie, Jim Huston
  • Coordinator: Jennifer Hystad


The PCC is developing an interim work plan to help identify an extensive list of priorities, while focusing on a few initial areas over the next year. For example, the PCC has identified the following areas of work as immediate priorities:

  • Primary care compensation.
  • Family Care Clinic compensation (completed).
  • Business costs and overhead.
  • Relative value, including an individual fee review.

The PCC is committed to accomplishing its mandate as set out in the AMA Agreement. A strategic requirements document will be finalized soon to add further clarity.

Questions or feedback?

  • For AMA at PCC, contact
    Jim Huston, Assistant Executive Director, Health Economics
    Email: Jim Huston at
  • For information about PCC operations and to provide feedback on the initiative, contact the Physician Compensation Committee


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Alberta Medical Association Mission: Advocate for and support Alberta physicians. Strengthen their leadership in the provision of sustainable quality care.