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AMA Business Plan Key Result Area 1: Financial health
Key Result Area 1: Financial healthThe AMA assists and supports members in maintaining their financial health. This includes negotiating with payers to ensure fair compensation, the provision of practice management services and the offering of financial products. Members in training are supported through a number of scholarships and bursaries.
Key Result Area 2: Well being
Key Result Area 2: Well beingThe AMA supports members in maintaining healthy work-life integration, including being a leader in the development of a comprehensive physician health program. The AMA also supports physicians in their efforts to attain safe, healthy and equitable work environments.
AMA Business Plan Key Result Area 3: System Leadership and Partnership
Key Result Area 3: System Leadership and PartnershipThe AMA supports members in their role as leaders within the health care system. This includes supporting physician leadership in developing innovations in care delivery and integration of primary and specialty care.
AMA Business Plan - Healthy AMA
Healthy AMA“Healthy AMA” identifies key activities in the areas of governance, finances, knowledge, relationships, and workforce that help strengthen the Association so that it can achieve the ends established by the Board and deliver value to members.