Fee Navigator®

    Health Service Code 43.0 B

    Injection of Botulinum A Toxin, for spastic dysphonia


    HSC 01.03 may be claimed in addition.

    Common terms:
    • Botox
    Category:M Minor Procedure
    Base rate:$110.95

    Fee modifiers:

    TypeCode# of callsExplicitActionAmount
    TRAYMINTIncrease By$13.14
    SURCEVYesIncrease By$48.82
    SURCNTAMYesIncrease By$117.12
    SURCNTPMYesIncrease By$117.12
    SURCWKYesIncrease By$48.82
    LVPLVP75YesReduce Base To75%

    Governing Rules: