The Section of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of the Alberta Medical Association would like to reaffirm our strong opposition to the Government of Alberta’s recent new laws banning or significantly curtailing access to gender-affirming care in youth. We stand with our many colleagues who have already issued statements, but even more importantly, we continue to stand with youth and their families.
The premier claims to be protecting choice in youth and empowering parents. We wish to emphasize that the proposed legislation around gender-affirming care is instead restricting the rights of parents to access medical care for their children. First and foremost, decisions regarding a child's healthcare should rest in the hands of their parents or guardians, working closely with medical professionals. These decisions are intensely personal and complex, involving a careful, nuanced consideration of a child's physical, emotional, and psychological health. Blanket restrictions from the government represent unwanted and unnecessary interference in the medical home. This is especially concerning as the youth most impacted by these decisions, as well as their families and allies have decried the lack of consultation and transparency as decisions are made about them, without them.
It is essential to recognize that gender identity issues in youth can evolve over time. Many young people experience shifts in their sense of self, especially during the adolescent years. It is essential that they have the freedom to explore this in safe and supportive environments like schools. For some youth, experimenting with a new name or pronoun may be a part of this process. This is not “a life-altering and potentially permanent decision,” it is an effort to figure out who they are and may become in the future. This is a fundamental part of growing up. Not everyone will feel comfortable starting this process at home, and forcing educators to disclose this to parents before the youth is ready is potentially harmful.
Furthermore, we wish to reinforce the importance of ensuring safe and inclusive spaces for all Albertans - in extra-curricular activities, sports, and at school. We agree that it is important for all sexual education material to be reviewed to ensure that it is accurate and developmentally appropriate, however creating obstacles to youth then receiving this information is extremely problematic. Sexual health education is essential, especially in an age where misleading and harmful information spreads freely online. Children receiving quality information that helps them make safe and responsible decisions should not be something that parents have to consent to. It should be something that they expect from schools.
The legislations represent a fundamental lack of understanding regarding the current state of science when it comes to medical and mental health care for the transgender population and represents an unnecessary intrusion into the rights of families. We urge the government to repeal this legislation, and instead work together with youth, parents and medical professionals for a healthy, safe, inclusive and informed Alberta.
Dr. Muhammad Naseer, President/APA Representative
Dr. Sterling Sparshu, Past President/RF Delegate
Dr. Martin Vetter, President-Elect
Dr. Krystyna Banas, Secretary Treasurer
Dr. Kimberly Dary, Fees Committee
Dr. Sylvia Mousa, Member at Large (South)
Dr. Heidi Wilkes, Member at Large (North)
Dr. Ashley Pauls, Member at Large (South)
Dr. Usama Malik, Member in Training Committee Chair