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PCN Governance Training

Today's dynamic health care system creates a complex set of roles and responsibilities for PCN Board and Joint Governance Committee members. Governance representatives must be skilled and knowledgeable in foundational governance matters in order to best contribute to and influence the performance of their governing bodies. This curriculum introduces the governance of Primary Care Networks (PCN) in Alberta. You will learn about the context in which PCNs operate in Alberta, the governance structures PCNs operate within and the many functions, roles and responsibilities that contribute to the optimal functioning of Boards and Committees.

What you will learn

By the end of this curriculum, learners will be able to:

  • Define the various primary care structures and the role PCNs play within primary health care and health transformation.
  • Explain the key governance structures and their respective roles and responsibilities.
  • Explain the key functions of PCN Boards and other important Committees (e.g., Joint Governance Committee) and the key fiduciary responsibilities for Board members (both individual and Board as a whole).
  • Demonstrate key board responsibilities in relation to strategic planning, risk management, financial stewardship and human resource management.

There are two options to complete this training:

  • 14 on-demand courses available to complete in your own time before the interactive session - 4.5 hours
  • Case Study - 5 minutes
  • Interactive session* - applies content learned from the on-demand courses and case study - 2 hours

This curriculum is eligible for 6 CME credits.

*The interactive session is intended for those currently involved in PCN Board Governance.

Enrol Now

Learners will need to register for the interactive session through the course in Learn@AMA.

Learn@AMA account required for access
To request an account, complete this form.

  • 14 on-demand courses available to complete in your own time - 4.5 hours

Complete the interactive portion to be eligible for CME credits.

Enrol Now

Learn@AMA account required for access
To request an account, complete this form.