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February 2023 - Innovate to Orchestrate: How Family Practice Can Transform the System

With the focus on system-wide issues like transitions of care, more than ever the importance of primary care is being recognized.  As the 'hub' of the system, primary care has an opportunity to contribute to shaping the healthcare landscape of the future.  We discuss how physician champions can engage others in preparing to make the most of this opportunity.

Session Summary

Session Hosts: Dr. Christine Luelo & Lori Choma

Session Objectives:

At the end of this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Describe how to show up as an effective leader for primary care when co designing with system partners. 
  • Generate strategies for supporting peers in system co design roles. 


Recommended Resources:

Session Highlights & Themes:

Dr. Luelo's top 10 principles for representing primary care on committees, working groups, SCNs, etc.: 

  1. Paradigm shift – how we are working right now is not working; we need to embrace that fact
  2. Prepared – read the dossier, make notes, formulate opinions & questions, ‘let it marinate’.
  3. Purposeful – start with the end in mind and remember where the locus of control is (or could be) for family physicians in the community that you are speaking for.
  4. Present – don’t multitask on calls; your colleagues that you are speaking for deserve better!
  5. Positive - Commit each day to the following: 
    • Change IS POSSIBLE
    • Change is GOOD
    • Patients DESERVE our best and we can give it to them 
  6. Practical – we cannot move everything all the way all at once.
  7. Patient - This is who we are doing it for; this is who pays us; we are patients, too.
  8. Partner – 
    • Join forces with others who feel the same passion and seek their opinions/ ideas/ lessons learned
    • Listen to people who disagree with your ideas
  9. Persistent – be sure about your message and repeat it OFTEN. 
  10. Plucky – Dr. Luelo’s word for ‘brave’