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Dr. Mzikayise Tshatshela

Dr. Mzikayise Tshatshela admits that he’s sacrificed a bit of excitement and diversity in his practice of medicine since coming to Canada from South Africa in 2012. But the benefits of the Canadian public health care system – particularly in terms of patient access – outweigh the unpredictable, under-resourced system in South Africa.

New physician to Chestermere, Alberta, is patient’s “Shining Star”

In the November-December 2019 edition of Alberta Doctors’ Digest, the AMA proudly Shines A Light on Dr. Mzikayise Tshatshela.

New physician to Chestermere, Alberta, is patient’s “Shining Star”

Dr. Mzikayise Tshatshela admits that he’s sacrificed a bit of excitement and diversity in his practice of medicine since coming to Canada from South Africa in 2012. But the benefits of the Canadian public health care system – particularly in terms of patient access – outweigh the unpredictable, under-resourced system in South Africa.

During his three and a half years as a physician in South Africa, Dr. Tshatshela says that he “worked exclusively in public hospitals and clinics. So I saw and treated many more infectious diseases … and lots of trauma. Medicine there was very hands-on,” he continues. “GPs do minor surgeries, appendectomies … many procedures that GPs here have to be supervised for. We worked closely with specialists in South Africa out of necessity.”

Just over a year ago, Dr. Tshatshela brought his invaluable South Africa experience, along with experience from six years practicing in Saskatchewan, to his position as a family physician at Chestermere’s LakeMed Clinic.

No doubt his exposure to, and treatment of, such a range of illnesses and injuries plays a role in Dr. Tshatshela’s treatment of patients, one of whom credits his keen sense of observation and commitment to her care with ultimately tying a very subtle symptom to an accurate diagnosis and timely treatment.

“He’s my shining star,” Dr. Tshatshela’s patient commented in her nomination of him for the AMA’s Shine A Light program. “His compassion and ongoing support are beyond what any other doctor has demonstrated.”

Continue reading Dr. Mzikayise Tshatshela's Shine A Light profile (Alberta Doctors’ Digest, November-December 2019)