Billing for Patient Chart Transfer / Copy

Here is a tip for when billing for Patient Chart Transfer/Copy.


If request from:

The following rates apply:

Rates / information from:

Patient (who takes possession of the chart)

HIA rates

Uninsured Services Guide Pages 10-12

Patient (who does not take possession of the chart)

Charge the patient an amount that is appropriate for uninsured services provided in the physician’s practice (based on physician/staff time to prepare records, cost of materials, cost of shipping, etc.)

Uninsured Services Guide Page 10

Physician / clinic (limited record transfer/copy)

No charge

College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta, Standards of Practice – “Patient Record Retention”

Physician / clinic (complete record transfer/copy)

HIA rates - if only health information in chart (if non-health info i.e. WCB, cosmetic, etc. included in chart, HIA does not apply to that portion of the chart, PIPA may apply, and patient can be charged an amount that is appropriate).

Uninsured Services Guide Pages 10-12

Lawyer (not Crown related)

Request made citing Section 104 of HIA with written patient authorization, use HIA fees. For all other requests from lawyers (e.g., pursuant to court orders, subpoenas, warrants), charge the lawyer an amount that is appropriate for uninsured services provided in the physician’s practice (based on physician/staff time to prepare records, cost of materials, cost of shipping, etc.).

Uninsured Services Guide Page 10-12

Lawyer (Crown related)

Rates paid by Crown

Uninsured Services Guide, Page 8

Insurance company / third party

HIA rates - if only health information in chart (if non-health info i.e. WCB, cosmetic, etc. included in chart, HIA does not apply to that portion of the chart, PIPA may apply, and patient can be charged an amount that is appropriate).

Uninsured Services Guide Pages 10-12

Learn more about uninsured services and access the AMA's Uninsured Services Guidelines to Billing (member login required).