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WCB Report Fee Adjustments to current contract

View WCB Report Fee Adjustments to current contract

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WCB Physician Services: new fee schedule, physician forms and guides

Same-Day/On-Time Report Fee Increase

Financial incentives will continue in phases:

  • July 1, 2016: 8.75% increase for same-day reports, and a 2.5% increase for on-time reports
  • April 1, 2017: COLA increase will be applied

Over the course of the agreement’s term, all of the increases will build up to a 30% fee increase for same-day reports and a nearly 20% increase for on-time reports (see Definitions, below).

Late report fee reduction

As a disincentive to late reporting (i.e., reports received after the on-time period), the agreement includes a late report fee reduction. As of April 1, 2016, it decreased to 90% of the current on-time fee and on July 1, 2016, it will decrease to 75% of the current on-time fee, with no further adjustment on April 1, 2017. (See Appendix “C,” below).


Same-day report (GP or Specialist) submission

The report is received by WCB on the same-day as the completed examination, including up to 10:00 on the following business day.

Note: “Business Day” is defined as Monday through Friday from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 MST each day, excluding the Employment Standards Code of Alberta designated holidays: New Year’s Day, Alberta Family Day, Good Friday, Victoria Monday, Canada Day, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Remembrance Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day and August 1 civic holiday).
“Examination Date” = day 0

Scenario A: Patient registers at 11:00 Monday. Physician sees patient and completes examination at 1300 Monday. For same-day status, WCB needs to receive the report by 10:00 Tuesday.

Scenario B: Patient registers at 23:30 Friday. Physician sees patient and completes the examination at 02:00 Saturday. For same-day status, WCB needs to receive the report by 10:00 Monday.

On-time report submission

GP First Report – The report is received by the WCB within three (3) business days from the date of the completed examination, including up to 10:00 on the fourth (4) business day.

GP Progress Report – The report is received by the WCB within four (4) business days from the date of the completed examination, including up to 10:00 on the fifth (5) business day.

Specialist Consultation Report/Specialist Follow-up Report – The report is received by the WCB within four (4) business days from the date of the completed examination, including up to 10:00 on the fifth (5) business day.

Scenario: Patient registers at 19:00 Tuesday. Specialist sees patient and completes the examination at 22:00 Tuesday. In order for this Specialist Consultation/Specialist Follow-up report to be classified as an on-time report submission, WCB must receive the report by 10:00 the following Tuesday.

Late report submission

A report is considered late if it is received by WCB after the on-time reporting schedule applicable to the type of report: GP First Report, GP Progress Report or Specialist Consultation/Follow-up Report).

Appendix "C"

Reporting Funding Schedule

Effective Dates Report Submission GP First Report Specialist Consultation Report GP Progress Report/Specialist Follow-up
July 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016 Same-day $65.86 $80.50 $40.02
On-time $63.69 $77.84 $38.69
Late $57.32 $70.06 $34.82
April 1, 2016 to June 30, 2016 Same-day Plus COLA Plus COLA Plus COLA
On-time Plus COLA Plus COLA Plus COLA
Late 90% of On-time 90% of On-time 90% of On-time
July 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017 Same-day Plus 8.75% Plus 8.75% Plus 8.75%
On-time Plus 2.5% Plus 2.5% Plus 2.5%
Late 75% of On-time 75% of On-time 75% of On-time
April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2019 Same-day Plus COLA Plus COLA Plus COLA
On-time Plus COLA Plus COLA Plus COLA
Late 75% of On-time 75% of On-time 75% of On-time
For more information, contact

Didi Wimmer-Frank
Director, Contract Negotiations
Alberta Medical Association
T 780.482.0698 │ F 780.482.5445
[email protected]