Dear Members,
Today we launch the latest topic in our Acute Care Concerns series with Issue 4: Obstetrics and Gynecology. We have previously highlighted cancer care, general surgery and general internal medicine. I am happy to now shine a spotlight on our hardworking OBGYN colleagues who are uniquely skilled to serve female general and reproductive health.
Section president Dr. Cameron Sklar and I held a virtual news conference this morning that was well attended by media outlets.
We addressed the most prominent issues for OBGYNs. There are, however, other pressing issues these specialists face, as outlined in the profile. Watch for further advocacy on these points in the weeks ahead.
In the news conference, we particularly highlighted the lack of access to prenatal care, the concept of paying for availability that is central to the work of this specialty, and the overall competitiveness of the specialty for young physicians and learners. We will be digging into these points and exploring other concepts captured in the issue paper through our advocacy strategy.
In survey after survey – and the many conversations that I have had – we ask members: What’s the primary thing you want from the AMA? The answer is always: advocacy, advocacy, advocacy. We are 100% committed to this with every tool at our disposal.
Thanks for tuning in on our ongoing efforts to explain to Albertans what is happening in their health care system and the ideas that doctors have for solutions. Keep watching.
Shelley Duggan, MD, FRCPC
President, Alberta Medical Association