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Election issue 2: Health Human Resources

Last week we launched our pre-election information program to help keep health care front and center during the election. 

President's Letter

Dear Members,

Last week we launched our pre-election information program to help keep health care front and center during the election. There are seven main issues that are important to physicians and their patients. Today we release the second issue: Health Human Resources. We conclude with three key questions for candidates and political parties to answer.

Health human resources is the number one challenge facing our health care system and it is one that will take years to resolve. We’ve laid out key issues identified by members in recent months, with thoughts for high level solutions and objectives. Remaining competitive, stabilizing practices and retaining our current workforce will all be essential elements.

After the election we will have to tackle these issues head on. I hope this information program encourages good conversation between the public, candidates and parties as we continue to share it on our AMA digital platforms in the days and weeks ahead.

You are always welcome to share your thoughts with me. You can email me via [email protected]. You can also comment on this letter on the AMA website.


fred Rinaldi, MD, CCFP, FCFP, LLB, MBA, MPA(HSA), BCom
President, Alberta Medical Association

"Fate whispers to the warrior, 'You can not withstand the storm.' The warrior whispers back, 'I am the storm.'"