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Facts worth repeating, myths worth busting

In the ongoing impasse with the Alberta Medical Association, government continues to promote its own messaging, some of it misleading.

President's Letter

Dear Members:

In the ongoing impasse with the Alberta Medical Association, government continues to promote its own messaging, some of it misleading. The MacKinnon report alleges that Alberta doctors are paid far more than provincial counterparts (“as much as $100,000 a year” or “35%”). Other examples include claims that the AMA failed to bring forward any proposals during negotiations, and government MLAs have said that our negotiation strategy failed to include the interests of rural physicians.

I will be taking the opportunity over the next while to address these topics. Today, you can review our rebuttal of government’s interprovincial comparisons of physician income (and some thoughts about the importance of getting this information right). We have previously made this information available, but it bears repeating.

Recent President’s Letters about AMA representation for physicians have triggered outpourings of support. Thank you to individual members and our social media influencers and leaders for your candor and passion! Thank you to our physician-led groups for your creativity and excellence! This includes the AMA-supported Family Medicine and Specialty Care Task Forces, along with grassroots collectives such as the Rural Sustainability Group and ABDocs4Patients. Your collaboration is adding to the energy and momentum. Our Task Force staff teams are ready to provide further assistance. It’s amazing that you continue to advocate so tirelessly. It’s amazing that you show few signs of being tired. Collectively, we are inspired.

As of this morning, about 2,700 physicians and counting have participated in our campaign calling on government to return to negotiations and seek arbitration if necessary. We have begun to engage the public and thousands of Albertans have already responded. The campaign website is as easy to use as it is effective. Please take a few minutes today to participate if you haven’t already.

Res ipsa loquitur (the facts speak for themselves).

In your service,

Christine P. Molnar, MD, FRCPC
President, Alberta Medical Association

CC: Alberta MLAs