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The year ahead: Repairing and rebuilding

As I begin my AMA presidency, I have been thinking a lot about where things stand and the year ahead of us.

Dr. Paul Parks, AMA Past-President

President's Letter

Dear Members,

As I begin my AMA presidency, I have been thinking a lot about where things stand and the year ahead of us.

The last few years have been extremely trying for the profession. The entire health care system is struggling, and many parts are barely surviving on last ditch life support – the viability of family medicine practices being an obvious example.

Our workforce is severely depleted. We are physically and mentally exhausted after coming out of a global pandemic. The cracks are not only showing, but they are also beginning to burst open. Many of us wonder whether safe and timely access to care will be available for the majority of Albertans in the years to come.

As difficult as it has been, there are glimmers of hope that things can improve. I see this upcoming year as an opportunity to repair existing relationships and to build new ones. This will be critical if we hope to rebuild our crumbling health care system.

The relationship that gets first attention is the one with members. It’s time to get up from our laptops and see people in person.

In October and November, our new Executive Director, Athana Mentzelopoulos and I will be hosting a series of member-only town hall meetings across the province to meet with members in person and to hear directly about local issues, concerns and ideas.
The goal is to reconnect with members and re-establish personal relationships. We want to hear about what matters most in local communities and on the frontlines. Without the expertise and input of our members, the AMA is nothing.

We will hold meetings in seven locations across the province, and details can be found here. We will update this webpage continuously as plans progress.

If you are able to, I encourage you to join us for one of the town hall meetings in person or via telehealth (telehealth details coming soon). I look forward to meeting with as many of you as possible.

It’s time to rebuild positive working relationships all around. The task won’t be easy, but I’m honoured that the membership has entrusted me to begin this necessary and critical work.

You can reach me anytime at [email protected]. You can also comment on this letter on the AMA website.

Paul Parks
President, Alberta Medical Association