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What is Primary Care?

Yesterday we cut through the fog created by government about who provides primary care in Alberta. Our colleagues across the health care spectrum deserve respect and support.

Dr. Paul Parks, AMA Past-President

President's Letter

Dear Members,

Yesterday we cut through the fog created by government about who provides primary care in Alberta. Our colleagues across the health care spectrum deserve respect and support. So do family physicians, who cannot be replaced by nurse practitioners. Integrated teams have been demonstrated to be the best model for primary care — evidence supports the model. It is misleading to suggest otherwise.

I made that point on Global News, CBC and AMA's X account. The Section of Family Medicine spoke out in a communication to section members. And I have submitted and hope to see a similar op-ed in tomorrow’s Edmonton Journal.

I want to say thank you to the members who are working so hard with the AMA to develop a new model for longitudinal family practice. Government has invited this work and promised to address the crisis. You can read about that work on the AMA website (member login required), and I urge you to stay informed and share your input.


Paul Parks