We are currently experience some access issues for logged in members and working to address the issue as soon as possible. For urgent matters, please contact us.

Z-codes, AMA updates you need

As this letter was completed, we were advised that Alberta Health has decided to postpone the implementation of new rates for Z codes, scheduled for January 1. 

President's Letter

Dear Members:
As this letter was completed, we were advised that Alberta Health has decided to postpone the implementation of new rates for Z codes, scheduled for January 1. The implementation of these reductions has now been postponed until April 1. Knowing the importance of this information for many physicians, I am adding a link to the Bulletin here at the top of my planned President’s Letter:
Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan Bulletin - December 22, 2020
Important AMA updates
This is my 14th President’s Letter since my term began on October 5. I realize that this is a lot of communication, yet much of it still only addresses the most top-of-mind issues for the profession, and often at a high level. I know my own inbox is overflowing with “must-read” email and I am sure yours is much the same.
Since I imagine that your eyes are as word-weary as mine, I have provided links below to some important information in video format instead of print. I hope you will find the update videos informative and useful. Please note, member login is required.

Thank you for standing with the AMA, staying informed by reading my letters and for reaching out to me with all your questions and ideas. Thank you for what you have been doing every day during this unbelievable COVID-19 pandemic. And lastly, thank you in advance for leading by example over the holiday season that is now upon us by staying within your own household bubbles and following all public health precautions and restrictions.
Barring unexpected events, this will be my last President’s Letter for 2020. For those who are working through this holiday week, we are glad to know that you are standing guard. For those who have opportunity to take some time off, do so knowing that your rest is well-deserved. The holidays can be a source of added stress for many, please remember that the AMA’s Physician and Family Support Program is here 24/7/365 for assistance and guidance if needed.

I will see you in 2021.
Your comments are welcome in the following ways:

  • Communicate with me privately and directly by email if you would like a reply: [email protected] 
  • Comment publicly on this President’s Letter on the AMA website (please be aware that comments are public, i.e., not members-only, even if you are logged in as a member).

Paul E. Boucher, MD, FRCPC
President, Alberta Medical Association