Panel Processes

Panel management is a proactive approach used by primary care teams to offer care to a defined panel of patients attached to a physician or nurse practitioner.

Panel Processes Resources

Panel process includes having clinic teams review the patient panel lists and reach out to offer care (virtually or in person). This is particularly of importance for at-risk, vulnerable and complex patients who may hesitate to, be unaware of, or be afraid to access needed care.

Another foundation of panel management is the practice of looking at the patient status, conditions, risk factors, and care needs of patients in order to offer evidence-based care to patients.

The Value of Panel


What is the evidence that panel process implementation is effective in primary care? 

Evidence Summary

High-performing practices have found that empanelment is a foundational element of good primary care, and is a building block for many elements of patient medical homes, including:

  • Preventive care
  • Timely access to care
  • Continuity of care
  • Team-based care
  • Performance measurement

Key Resources

Bodenheimer T, Ghorob A, Willard-Grace R, Grumbach K. The 10 Building Blocks of High-Performing Primary Care. Ann Fam Med. 2014 Mar 1;12(2):166–71.

Neuwirth E (Estee) B, Schmittdiel JA, Tallman K, Bellows J. Understanding Panel Management: A Comparative Study of an Emerging Approach to Population Care. Perm J. 2007;11(3):12–20.