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PS Suite: How to Send Consults to Alberta Netcare

Once a physician is enabled on CII, follow these steps to send consults to Netcare.

  1. Physicians – To send a Consult Letter to Netcare

    1. Open the patient’s chart and start a letter as normal (‘Data’ > ‘New Letter’ or Ctrl {Command} + L).
    2. The Addressees window Use one of the following methods:
      1. If the “To:” field is blank, manually select the letter addressee using the address book or the ‘One-Time Address’.
      2. If the “To:” field is populated correctly, click at the end of the name in the “To:” field and press the spacebar.
    3. Select the ‘Eligible for Encounter Data Extract’ check box that has appeared.Although the checkbox uses the terminology ‘Encounter Data Extract’, it will only make the consult letter and any attachments flow to Alberta Netcare. No other encounter information will be sent.
    4. Finish your letter as normal and select any attachments that are to go along with the

    Note: if you use a transcription service and receive the letters back as PDF, to send the report to Alberta Netcare you must still create a letter in PS Suite and attach the transcription to that letter.

    1. Mark the letter as finished (if it is not already), and then close the patient’s record. The letter is sent to Alberta Netcare as a PDF document that evening.

    Note: users with setting ‘Mark notes as unfinished-Never’ (yellow bar does not appear) selected may require a workflow adjustment. See the Creating User Accounts PS Suite help file for more information on this setting.


  2. Clinic Team Members working on behalf of a physician/provider – To send a Consult Letter to Netcare

    Note: Ensure the preference ‘Letters will be Eligible for Encounter Data Extract’ is selected for your user (see Enabling EMR integration CII). If the preference is not selected, the letter will not be sent to Alberta Netcare).

    1. Open the patient’s chart and start a letter as normal (‘Data’ > ‘New Letter’ or Ctrl {Command} + L). Ensure you are using the letterhead for the appropriate participating physician/provider. If you create the letter in your name, the letter will not be sent to Alberta Netcare.
    2. The Addressees window Use one of the following methods:
      1. If the “To:” field is blank, manually select the letter addressee in the using the address book or the ‘One-Time Address’.
      2. If the “To:” field is populated correctly, click at the end of the name in the “To:” field and press spacebar.
    3. Select the ‘Eligible for Encounter Data Extract’ check box that has appeared. Although the checkbox uses the terminology ‘Encounter Data Extract’, it will only make the consult letter and any attachments flow to Alberta Netcare. No other encounter information will be sent.
    4. Finish your letter as normal and select any attachments that are to go along with the

    Note: if you use a transcription service and receive the letters back as PDF, to send the report to Alberta Netcare you must still create a letter in PS Suite and attach the transcription to that letter.

    1. Mark the letter as finished (if it is not already), and then close the patient’s record. The letter is sent to Alberta Netcare as a PDF document that evening.

    Note: users with setting ‘Mark notes as unfinished-Never’ (yellow bar does not appear) selected may require a workflow adjustment. See the Creating User Accounts PS Suite help file for more information on this setting.

  3. Keeping Consult Reports Confidential – Recommended Method

    To keep a consult report confidential, leave the ‘Eligible for Encounter Data Extract’ checkbox unchecked when creating a new consult letter.