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CII/CPAR Glossary and Abbreviations

Access Administrator (CPAR AA): A person authorized by the provider(s) to manage (i.e. create, amend, delete) user access to the CPAR application for the management of patient panels, and to manage the setup for those provider panels within CPAR.

Access Improvement Measures (AIM): Access Improvement Measures (AIM) Alberta is a quality improvement initiative that enables healthcare teams to achieve their potential. AIM equips these teams with the tools to identify roadblocks to success and create their own solutions to enhance patient access, efficiency and improve patient-centered interactions and self-management.

Accelerating Change Transformation Team (ACTT): In 2016 the AMA’s support programs of Practice Management Program, Toward Optimized Practice, and PCN Program Management Office began work together to better integrate the support and change services offered. These programs officially merged on November 1, 2018, and were renamed Accelerating Change Transformation Team or ACTT.

Affiliation: A term used in the Blended Capitation Program. The two-way, voluntary commitment between a patient and a Program, for the purpose of determining the capitation payment element for the model’s compensation structure.

Alberta Netcare: Also known as the Alberta Netcare Portal (ANP) is the window into Alberta Netcare’s Electronic Health Recor (EHR). Alberta Netcare Portal provides authorized Health Care Providers access to a patient’s key health information such as patient demographics hospital visits, laboratory data, transcribed reports, patient event history and drug data. It also provides access to online decision support and reference tools including a warning management tool and a database of all available drugs and their common dosages.

Attachment: This is more of a technical term used for the initiative than a patient-friendly term. Attachment refers to the expression of a continuous and longitudinal relationship between individuals (“Patients”) and their Primary Provider(s). Continuous relationships over time support continuity of care.

Clinical Document Viewer (CDV): Clinical Document Viewer (CDV) tree. A feature of Alberta Netcare that lists lab results and other clinical documents available for viewing. The consult reports and Community Encounter Digests (CED) uploaded through CII are viewed in the CDV.

Community Encounter Digest (CED): The Community Encounter Digest (CED) report summarizes the care the patient received over the past 12 months from all community-based clinics in Alberta that participate in the CII program. The CED report includes patient visit information including birthdate, gender, clinical assessment, and observations (allergies, blood pressure, height, weight, etc.), immunizations and referrals. Physician notes related to any confidential patient conversations are NOT extracted or shared.

CED Mapping: To create a CED report each EMR vendor has mapped to specific data fields in the EMR that pull to the report. Each participating physician is fully informed on which fields pull to create the CED.

Community Information Integration (CII): Community Information Integration is a system that transfers select patient information between community Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) and other members of the patient’s care team through Alberta Netcare.

Confirmation: Also commonly called “verification" or “validation”, this is the process of confirming the identity of t primary provider with a patient and recording this in the EMR by clicking the confirmation/validation field which also enters a date of entry.

Confirmation Rate: A calculation that is an important process check that measures how often a team is confirming the identity of the patient’s primary provider.

Central Patient Attachment Registry (CPAR): Central Patient Attachment Registry (CPAR) is a provincial system that captures the confirmed relationship of a primary provider and their paneled patients.

CPAR Registry Administrator: A person who is authorized by Alberta Health to perform registry administration tasks within CPAR such as setting up panels in CPAR to allow submissions, managing user permissions for CPAR access, and providing technical support for the system.

eHealth Support Services (eHSS): A team under Alberta Netcare that is integral to CII/CPAR implementation. They will ensure that the forms are in place for each stage and relay tickets to the EMR vendors. Under Alberta Netcare the eHSS team will offer advisory services in the areas of operations, data migration and retention, privacy and security as well as training and learning.

Facility: A physical site or location registered by Alberta Health, where health care services are delivered; sometimes referred to as a clinic. Each facility should have a facility ID.

Health Quality Council of Alberta (HQCA): The Health Quality Council of Alberta (HQCA) is a provincial agency that brings an objective perspective to Alberta’s health system, pursuing opportunities to improve patient safety and health service quality for Albertans.

Health Information Data Governance Committee (HIDGC): Provides strategic advice to the Minister and Health Information Executive Committee (HIEC) towards ensuring that health information and data is protected and that health information is effectively used to support patient care, health system management, research, and evidence-based quality improvement and program planning and promoting the sharing of health information outside the health sector where necessary for client service delivery through government's social programs.

Health Information Executive Committee (HIEC): The Health Information Executive Committee (HIEC) has overall responsibility to provide strategic leadership for the Alberta EHR and initiatives in the publicly funded IM/IT health sector, as well as for intergovernmental EHR and e-health initiatives.

Alberta Health Services (AHS) Identity and Access Management (IAM): Alberta Health Services Identity & Access Management (AHS IAM) is a provincial self-service system used to request access to Alberta Netcare Portal and AHS network resources. The implementation of the AHS IAM system replaced a paper-based user registration process and is currently used by AHS and AHS Affiliate physicians, clinicians and staff. 

MyHealth Records: The name of Alberta’s new personal health record for Albertans to access some of their health information, such as lab results, medication, and immunizations drawn from Alberta Netcare. MyHealth Records also provides access to several health and wellness tools to help track and maintain overall health.

Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (OIPC): The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (OIPC) is the regulator responsible for ensuring compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act, Health Information Act (HIA) and Personal Information and Protection of Privacy Act (PIPA).

Panel or Patient Panel: A group of patients for whom a primary provider(s) and team is responsible for providing comprehensive and longitudinal care. There is a confirmed relationship between the primary provider and the patient.

Panel Administrator (CPAR PA): A person who is authorized to manage attachments submitted to CPAR for one or more panels.

Panel Conflict Report: The CPAR Conflict Report is generated by CPAR on a per panel basis and lists patients on the provider’s panel that are also paneled to another provider. It is produced monthly.

Panel Maintenance: Processes that maintain an accurate confirmed panel list for each primary provider.

Panel Management: Panel management, also known as population management, is a proactive approach to health care. Population means the panel of patients associated with a provider or care team. Population-based care (or panel-based care) means that the practice team is concerned with the health of the entire active population of attached patients at the practice, not just those who come in for visits.

Paneling: Also called “empanelment”. A deliberate attempt to identify the group of patients for whom a physician or nurse practitioner and team is responsible.

Panel Ready / CPAR Panel Ready: A panel is ready for CII/CPAR participation when all areas of the panel readiness checklist are checked-off.

Personal Health Number (PHN): Identifier issued to Albertans who are eligible for basic coverage with the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan. This number is the same as the Unique Lifetime Indicator (ULI) (if applicable).

Pharmacy Information Network (PIN): The Pharmaceutical Information Network (PIN) is a web-enabled application within the Alberta Netcare Electronic Health Record (EHR) that provides access to a patient’s active and previous medications. PIN’s ultimate goal is to facilitate improved quality of care by providing authorized health care providers with the information and tools needed to make optimal drug therapy decisions.

Primary Care Network (PCN): A joint venture between a group of primary care physicians (who form a non-profit corporation) and Alberta Health Services to coordinate service delivery through a network of physicians and other primary health care providers—such as nurses, dieticians, pharmacists, and social workers—working together to provide primary health care to Albertans.

Primary Provider: The Provider(s) mainly responsible for providing comprehensive primary care longitudinally over time to a panel of patients. A physician or nurse practitioner.

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA): A Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) is a process of analysis that helps to identify and address potential privacy risks that may occur in the operation of a new or redesigned project. A PIA is meant for proposed legislative schemes, administrative practices and/or information systems that relate to the collection, use or disclosure of individually identifying personal or health information.

Program: A term used in the Blended Capitation Program. Delivery of program services by a Participating Physician practising in a team-based environment to a target patient population funded through an Alternative Relationship Plan.

Provincial Client Registry (PCR): The PCR is a registry of personal and demographic data content of provincial patients and clients in other contributing source systems connected to the Alberta EHR.

Roster: A term used in the Blended Capitation Program. The set of all patients affiliated to a given Program, in accordance with applicable business rules.

Section of General Practice (SGP): Alberta Medical Association member sections represent the interests of various professional practice areas [14]. The Section of General Practice's (SGP) mission is to help general practitioners: Achieve and maintain economic well-being, provide quality care and enjoy quality of life [15].

Shared Panel: A set of patients where the role of primary provider is shared by two (or more) primary providers. In CPAR these providers would share a panel number.

Site Liaison: A member of the clinic team in the role of the “go to person” between the clinic and the project team (includes eHealth Support Services), during CII/CPAR implementation

Unique Lifetime Identifier (ULI): A number assigned to a health care patient for identification by Alberta Health (AH). This number changes to a Personal Health Number (PHN) when patients have Alberta Health Insurance Plan coverage [10].





Accelerating Change Transformation Team


Alberta Health


Alberta Health Services


Alberta Health Services Identity & Access Management


Access Improvement Measures


Alberta Netcare Portal


Clinical Document Viewer


The Community Encounter Digest


Community Information Integration


Central Patient Attachment Registry


CPAR Access Administrator


CPAR Panel Administrator


CPAR Site Liaison


Electronic Health Record


eHealth Support Services


Electronic Medical Record


Health Quality Council of Alberta


Health Information Data Governance Committee


Health Information Executive Committee


Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner


Primary Care Network


Provincial Client Registry


Personal Health Number


Privacy Impact Assessment


Pharmaceutical Information Network


Section of General Practice


Unique Lifetime Identifier


[1] AIM Alberta, "What is AIM," AIM Alberta, 2017. [Online]. Available: https://aimalberta.ca/who-we-are/overview/. [Accessed 9 August 2019].
[2] Alberta Medical Association, "Accelerating Change Transformation Team," Alberta Medical Association, 2018. [Online]. Available: https://www.albertadoctors.org/leaders-partners/quality-and-education-programs/actt. [Accessed 9 August 2019].
[3] Government of Alberta, "Alberta Netcare EHR," Government of Alberta, 2019. [Online]. Available: http://www.albertanetcare.ca/. [Accessed 9 August 2019].
[4] Health Quality Council of Alberta, "HQCA," HQCA, 2019. [Online]. Available: https://www.hqca.ca/. [Accessed 9 August 2019].
[5] College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta, "CPSA Roadmap - Toward an Integrated Electronic Patient Record," September 2016. [Online]. Available: http://www.cpsa.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Toward-IEPR-Roadmap-September-2016.pdf. [Accessed 9 August 2019].
[6] Government of Alberta, "Alberta Netcare Learning Centre," Government of Alberta, 2019. [Online]. Available: http://www.albertanetcare.ca/learningcentre/CommUsers.htm. [Accessed 9 August 2019].
[7] G. o. Alberta, "Commissioner's Role," Government of Alberta, 2019. [Online]. Available: https://www.servicealberta.ca/foip/commissioners-role.cfm. [Accessed 9 August 2019].
[8] Government of Alberta, "CII/CPAR General FAQs," November 2018. [Online]. Available: http://www.albertanetcare.ca/learningcentre/documents/CII-General-FAQ.pdf. [Accessed 9 August 2019].
[9] Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, "Practice Facilitation Handbook - Module 20. Facilitating Panel Management," U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2018. [Online]. Available: https://www.ahrq.gov/professionals/prevention-chronic-care/improve/system/pfhandbook/mod20.html. [Accessed 8 February 2019].
[10] Government of Alberta, "Person Directory," Government of Alberta, 2019. [Online]. Available: http://www.albertanetcare.ca/learningcentre/Person-Directory.htm. [Accessed 9 August 2019].
[11] Government of Alberta, "Pharmaceutical Information Network (PIN)," Government of Alberta, 2019. [Online]. Available: http://www.albertanetcare.ca/learningcentre/Pharmaceutical-Information-Network.htm. [Accessed 9 August 2019].
[12] OIPC, "Privacy Impact Assessments," OIPC, 2019. [Online]. Available: https://www.oipc.ab.ca/action-items/privacy-impact-assessments.aspx. [Accessed 9 August 2019].
[13] Alberta Health and Alberta Health Services, "An Overview of Alberta’ Electronic Health Record Information System," April 2015. [Online]. Available: http://www.albertanetcare.ca/documents/An_Overview_of_Albertas_ERHIS.pdf. [Accessed 9 August 2019].
[14] Alberta Medical Association, "Member sections," Alberta Medical Association, 2018. [Online]. Available: https://www.albertadoctors.org/leaders-partners/leaders/sections. [Accessed 9 August 2019].
[15] Alberta Medical Association, "General Practice," Alberta Medical Association, 2018. [Online]. Available: https://www.albertadoctors.org/leaders-partners/leaders/sections/section-members/general-practice. [Accessed 9 August 2019].