CII/CPAR Opportunity for Pediatricians


Pediatricians in a community practice may participate in Community Information Integration (CII) and Central Patient Attachment Registry (CPAR) program and connect their EMR* to the rest of the health system.

*Accuro, Healthquest, Med Access, PS Suite or Wolf EMR

Send Consult Reports to Alberta Netcare

Choose consult reports from your EMR that will submit to the patient’s record in Alberta Netcare:

  • Continuity of care for your patients with complex health needs
  • Accessible to other providers in the patient’s circle of care

Submit Encounter Information to Alberta Netcare’s Community Encounter Digest

Pediatricians may share select mapped encounter (visit) data from the EMR. At a minimum, it would take information from the scheduler (date, location, provider, reason for visit and assessment) and display it in a document in Netcare called the Community Encounter Digest (CED) that provides a rolling snapshot of a patient’s care across the system. The CED apprises emergency departments or hospitals which community providers recently saw a patient and informs their care decisions.

Optional: Submit Panels to CPAR

Are you the primary provider for some of your patients? Would you like Alberta Netcare* to display you as a primary provider and would you like to be notified in your EMR if the patient is discharged from an emergency department, admitted or discharged from hospital or discharged from day surgery in the province? By submitting these patients to the Central Patient Attachment Registry, it tells the health system (and other providers) you have a longitudinal care relationship and keeps you in the loop regarding their care in the province.

This option is bundled with participating in Encounters.

  1. How to Get Started

    1. Contact the AMA ACTT program: if you have questions or want to get started.
    2. Learn more about what it is and what it looks like in your EMR and how many other providers are participating
    3. Read the FAQ for specialists.
    4. Talk to your team and colleagues about participating.
    5. If you are ready, get started here with more information.

    Are some of my pediatric patients on my “panel”?




    Type of care relationship

    Patients for whom I ‘quarterback’ their care or ‘co-quarterback’ with a family physician/nurse practitioner as primary providers. You have a longitudinal care relationship.


    I act as a consultant for this patient who also has a family physician/nurse practitioner. The patient’s primary provider is the family physician/NP.

    Identifying patients

    Under my direction, my team identifies in the EMR which patients will be shared with CPAR. Team and provider have control. This could be 5 or 500 patients.


    No patient identification needed.

    Central Patient Attachment Registry (CPAR)

    My EMR automatically sends an updated list of my paneled patients to CPAR monthly so the system knows I am a primary provider for these patients.


    Patients are not submitted to CPAR.


    Sending my panel to CPAR will result in:





    Messages are received in the EMR when the patient has been admitted or discharged from hospital, discharged from an ED or discharged from day surgery.


    eNotifications are received in the EMR. Notices are pushed out to EMRs at 6:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. daily for continuity of care purposes.

    No notifications are received.

    Alberta Netcare Portal

    In the patient’s demographics it identifies the CPAR Primary Provider(s)

    Alberta Netcare displays any consult reports shared by specialists/ consultants across Alberta participating in Community Information Integration.


    Your name displays in the patient’s record in Netcare for continuity of care. Other areas of the health system can identify you as a primary provider for the patient.

    Any consult reports that you share with Netcare will also connect you to the care of this patient.

    Other providers in the system would recognize the care you are providing from consult reports you share with Alberta Netcare.