Learning Videos - Home to Hospital to Home Transitions


The AMA Accelerating Change Transformation Team is providing support to improve transitions of the care through the Home to Hospital to Home (H2H2H) Transitions initiative. To learn more, below are some resources that provide an introduction to the importance of effective transitions. 

For learners just starting on their transitions journey; this suite of videos will provide you with introductory information on the importance of effective transitions and the Home to Hospital to Home Transitions Guideline.

Building Blocks to Successful Transitions of Care 

1hr 8 secs 

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Orientation to the Home to Hospital to Home (H2H2H) Transitions Guideline 

36mins 55 secs

For learners ready for more advanced concepts related to transitions of care; this suite of videos will provide information on what measurement data can help inform your transitions of care improvement efforts and technological enablers to support informational continuity.


Orientation to the Home to Hospital to Home (H2H2H) Transitions Measures 

31mins 28 secs


How CII/CPAR Enables the COVID Pathway

2 mins 32 secs