PMH Assessments

The Patient’s Medical Home Assessment will give clinical practices the ability to assess their own processes and activities related to key Patient’s Medical Home implementation elements


The Patient’s Medical Home Assessment will give clinical practices the ability to assess their own processes and activities related to key Patient’s Medical Home implementation elements. The results of this facilitated, self-assessment can then be used by the practice to set team priorities for PMH optimization.

Both the PCN and practice team Patient's Medical Home assessment tools were adapted from the Safety Net Medical Home Initiative (SNMHI) to fit the Alberta context.

NOTE: the assessment has been designed to be administered with the support of a facilitator. Please speak with your PCN to learn more about local supports available to physicians and practice teams.

Practice Assessment Tool

The assessment is divided into 3 parts:

  • Readiness - to begin a practice leader should complete this assessment to help them gauge their practice’s “current readiness” in moving towards a Patient's Medical Home.
  • Phase 1 - focuses on the first 3 implementation elements for the Patient's Medical Home. With the support of a facilitator, practices will work as a team to determine next steps based on their consensus scores from this assessment.
  • Phase 2 - focuses on the 5 remaining implementation elements for the Patient's Medical Home. Similar to phase 1, teams will work with a facilitator to determine next steps based on their consensus scores.

PCN Assessment Tool

Use the Medical Home Assessment Tool below in your PCN to review programs and guide selection of future priorities:

PCN Assessment Tool