Non-Disclosure Agreement

A Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) establishes a confidential relationship between a clinic and third parties that have access to sensitive information. These parties may include contractors, consultants and vendors such as a third-party billing clerk, locum (physician), temporary employee, or volunteer. It is important to ensure that all contractors and consultants are aware that the information they may see by working for a clinic is sensitive and must be kept confidential.

Important note: Often, custodians’ offices enter into agreements with small local service providers who may not have written contracts prepared in advance. The NDA and Information Manager Agreement templates assist custodians in ensuring due diligence in contract management. The custodian must consider if the template meets the needs of the particular situation. The template may not be adequate in all circumstances and will require customization.


Instructions for Use

These instructions are meant to assist you with making this document your own and to build strong privacy and security practices within your clinic.

  • The document must be signed by each individual and kept in the clinic.

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