2024/2025 Membership Renewal is now open!

Section of Rural Medicine

The AMA’s Section of Rural Medicine represents rural generalists and rural family physicians across the province. We advocate for the financial respect and sustainability of rural medicine in Alberta, which is integral to the health of rural Albertans and the economic prosperity of our communities.

Join Us

If you’re not already a member of the Section of Rural Medicine, consider joining us. We need your perspective, your ideas and your insight. Let your voice be heard... become a voting member* of SFM today by emailing [email protected].

*Please note that voting SRM members pay section dues in addition to AMA membership dues. These dues go directly to supporting the work that SRM Executive does on behalf of rural generalists.

How to access $12M in new grant funding for rural health care

$12 million is being invested over two years into a Rural Team Recruitment Grant and a Municipality Supported Clinics Grant to improve team-based primary health care. 
The Rural Team Recruitment Grant Program, which is open to rural community organizations and clinics interested in hiring more team members to increase clinic capacity, aims to support clinicians so they can see more patients and improve access to primary health care through team-based care. The Municipality Supported Clinics Grant Program will strengthen team-based models of care, and help rural municipalities or regions take on responsibility for clinic ownership or operations within their community. The grants will each provide $6 million over two years. 
Rural generalists and rural family physicians are strongly encouraged to apply for the above grants. Expressions of Interest must be submitted by November 30, 2024

An information session was held on November 14 to inform members about the grant programs, eligibility criteria, how to apply, etc. You can watch a recording of the session or view the slide deck.

Here are some additional resources for your information:

Questions? Email [email protected]

News, opportunities, events, etc.

This Alberta Rural Health Week (May 27 - 31, 2024), let’s remember our worth.

On April 17 the Alberta government committed to implementing the Physician Comprehensive Care Model (PCCM). This new, modernized model will provide family physicians and rural generalists who are currently paid through fee-for-service or other compensation models with a new compensation option. One that will allow primary care physicians to continue to deliver comprehensive, life-long patient care while keeping their community clinics viable.

  • Date: 2025 date TBD

Secure Section Content

  • The section's AGM minutes,
  • The section's bylaws,
  • Recordings of sessions, town halls (if applicable)

Members Only


  • Dr. Rithesh Ram, Drumheller


  • Dr. Sam Myhr, Sundre

Secretary Treasurer

  • Dr. Sarah Makhdoom, High River


  • Dr. Michael Beach, Drumheller
  • Dr. Andrea Hargrove, Taber
  • Dr. Jonathan Somerville, Sundre
  • Dr. Theresa Watson, Bonnyville

Other Representatives

SFM President

  • Dr. Sarah Bates, Calgary (Ex-officio member)

Representative Forum Delegates

  • Dr. Samantha Myhr, Sundre
  • Dr. Rithesh Ram, Drumheller


  • Dr. Michael Beach, Drumheller
  • Dr. Andrea Hargrove, Taber
  • Dr. Jonathan Somerville, Sundre
  • Dr. Theresa Watson, Bonnyville