Find out why ZMSAs were formed and why they're important for Alberta physicians. Find the names of the physicians on your ZMSA executive.
What do ZMSAs do?
ZMSAs support:
- Activities relating to the zonal physicians' relationship with the AMA.
- Bylaws-related duties for AHS medical staff.
How do ZMSAs represent you?
ZMSAs are actively involved in:
- Advocating for physicians at zone level.
- Leading the local Zonal Advisory Forum (the zone level tripartite forum ‑ ZMSA, AMA, AHS).
- Bylaws-mandated AHS committees, both zonal and provincial.
- The AMA’s Council of Zonal Leaders (a provincial forum for all ZMSA presidents).
- A joint AMA-AHS Provincial Physician Liaison Forum.
For more information, read the Physician's Introduction to ZMSAs & Zonal Advisory Forums.
Why were ZMSAs formed?
- Launching a single AHS and creating five zones for AHS operations led to major changes for both the AMA and AHS.
- The AMA reorganized from nine regional medical organizations/medical staff associations to a five-zone structure.
- AHS also has requirements for medical staff at the zone level based on the new, single set of Provincial Medical Staff Bylaws and Rules.
All of these changes led to the formation of ZMSAs.
The complete Medical Staff Bylaws and Rules are available on the AHS website. For easier referencing, this webpage also includes individual Bylaw User Guides summarizing specific sections:
- Medical Leadership Structure
- Medical Staff Appointments
- Clinical Privileges
- Responsibilities and Accountability
- Periodic Reviews
- Concerns
Review the Medical Staff Bylaws and Rules and User Guides
Who are the ZMSA leaders?
Please note: To find contact information, please go to the ZMSA website.
Calgary & Area Medical Staff Society
- President: Dr. Charlene Lyndon
- President-elect: vacant
- Past President: Dr. Margot McLean
- Secretary-Treasurer: Dr. Roozbeh Rahmani
Central ZMSA
- President: Dr. Kirsten Westberg
- Vice President: Dr. Omoniyi Adebisi
- Past President: Dr. Luc Benoit
- Secretary/Treasurer: Dr. Edmund Barker
Edmonton ZMSA
- President: Dr. Katherine Kasha
- Vice-President: Dr. Manpreet (Mona) Gill
- Past President: Dr. Cheryl Mack
- Treasurer: Dr. Peter Laratta
- Member at Large (Community Family Practitioner): Dr. Patricia Verones
- Member at Large (Specialist): Dr. Neelam Mahil
North ZMSA
- President: Dr. Mareli Powell
- Vice President: Dr. Theresa Watson
- Past President: vacant
- Secretary/Treasurer: Dr. Gene Anthony Vitug
South ZMSA
- President: Dr. Stephen Cassar
- Vice President: Dr. Rajesh Narula
- Secretary/Treasurer: Dr. Carl Nohr
Contact us
- Email:
- Website: