Fee Navigator®

    Health Service Code 03.05JP

    Family conference via telephone relating to acute care facility in-patient or registered emergency or out-patient, or auxiliary hospital, nursing home patient, hospice patient, AACC or UCC patient

    1. Intended specifically for patients whose condition warrants periodic family conferences or for patients who are unable to properly communicate with their physician (e.g., situations where there is a language barrier, unconscious patient, etc.).
    2. This service is to be claimed using the Personal Health Number of the patient.
    3. May be claimed in situations where:
      1. location or mobility factors of family members at the time of the call preclude in person meetings.
      2. timely communication with family members is essential to patient care or organ/tissue transfer collection, and
      3. communication about a patient's condition or to gather collateral information that is relative to patient management and care activities.
    4. May not be claimed for:
      1. relaying results for lab or diagnostics.
      2. arranging follow up care.
    5. Documentation of the communication to be maintained in the patient record.
    6. May be claimed in addition to visits or other services provided on the same day, by the same physician.
    7. May only be claimed when the physician provides the service.
    Category:V Visit
    Base rate:$42.78

    Fee modifiers:

    No modifiers.

    Governing Rules:

    No Governing Rules.