Submit your story to Student Spotlight in Alberta Doctors’ Digest
Attention medical students: Do you have an experience that you think will make your colleagues exclaim, “Wow! That’s neat!”? We’re keen for inspirational and fascinating stories of students doing extraordinary things for the Student Spotlight column in Alberta Doctors’ Digest.
Are you interested in being featured? Here are the criteria for submitting a story:
- Your story should be approximately 800 words.
- Please submit a short biography of the author; approximately 200 words.
- Include a high-res photo of the student featured: A head shot from bottom of the rib cage to past the top of the head. Please ensure that the photo is shot in landscape (horizontal), not portrait (vertical) orientation. We’d like the photo to be good quality with good light and composition and crisp focus. iPhone shots are fine, but we need the file in its original and uncropped resolution.
- Please also include a photo of the author using the same specifications as mentioned above.
- Include photographer’s name so that we may provide acknowledgement in the caption.
- We require a signed photo consent form. Please go to for the form.
- Once you have everything together, please send stories, bios, photos and consent forms to
We look forward to reading your stories!