2024/2025 Membership Renewal is now open!

Comments on the most recent President's Letter are enabled and welcome. You may also contact the AMA President by email at [email protected].


Below you will find previous issues of The President's Letter. For older issues no longer on the website, contact us.

  • RRNP Review – Have your say, take the survey

    To solicit input on current and future factors that should be considered when determining how to tie compensation to rural, remote and northern practice, a survey launches today. The survey also explores factors affecting physicians' choices about where they practice in the province. 

  • Warm wishes for the holiday season

    Another year is on the horizon, and we wanted to take a moment to share our gratitude and appreciation for all of you.

  • Congratulations! PCCM and new rates for Family Medicine ARPs are going ahead

    This afternoon the Physician Comprehensive Care Model (PCCM) for primary care and the new rates for Family Medicine Alternative Relationship Plans (FMARP) were jointly announced by the AMA and government. These will go live April 1, 2025.

  • Amending MAID and privacy; please weigh in

    The provincial government has launched an online engagement survey regarding the provision of Medical Assistance in Dying in Alberta. They have also committed to direct consultation with stakeholder groups, but I imagine that the results of this survey will strongly influence such efforts. 

  • Meeting with the Minister

    Yesterday morning I met with Minister of Health Adriana LaGrange. I wanted to share some of the key points of our discussion with you.

  • WCB (I have a question), PCCM and acute care

    I have a question for you 

    Every day we maintain our momentum, representing members in many venues. Next up: Workers’ Compensation Board negotiations. The April 1, 2020 agreement expires on December 31, 2024. Yes, this is late to begin a negotiation, but this was a decision of WCB relating to other discussions. 

  • News: physician support program; nurse practitioners

    I have two pieces of news for you today. One is a new temporary physician support program. The other is regarding nurse practitioners.

  • Government, make engagement meaningful

    As part of a cross-ministry effort by the provincial government, Alberta Health has invited the Alberta Medical Association to complete a survey on behalf of members. It relates to “legislative changes to safeguard freedom of expression for regulated professionals.”

  • Update re Physician On-Call Program review

    As most physicians are aware, AHS recently issued a Physician On-Call Program (POCP) update in which they requested all eligible physicians to apply to the program – regardless of whether they currently receive on-call payments.

  • Facts matter. Your voice is needed even MORE!

    Right now, the AMA is engaged in more advocacy than at any other time in our history. In the category of fact checking, we coordinated yesterday with section experts to respond to comments made by the premier in a news conference.