Practice Facilitation Network

A venue for those doing practice facilitation work to connect, share valuable insights, collaborate on initiatives, and rapidly disseminate promising ideas. 

The Accelerating Change Transformation Team (ACTT) partners with Alberta practice facilitators to deliver a provincial Practice Facilitation (PF) Network.

The success of the PF Network is grounded in participants' commitment to engage and communicate their collective experience, wisdom, and passion to enable meaningful changes designed to improve patient outcomes and clinical processes.

...the information I have gained from this group is so much appreciated!

Network Synopsis

Virtual meetings with colleagues
Held monthly from September-June
Covering topics related to: PF competencies and emerging provincial priorities
Discussion Boards
Connect with practice facilitators across Alberta
A virtual community space for dynamic discussions, insights sharing and valuable resource posts, to expand your knowledge base and network.
Access videos and guides
Resources to support Practice Facilitators who have varying degrees of experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Anyone actively doing practice facilitation work in the healthcare system in Alberta.  

Practice facilitation is the process of engaging and coaching care teams to test and implement changes to optimize clinical and non-clinical processes. Practice facilitation may include activities such as leadership training, the use of practice data to direct change, needs assessment, the identification of best practices, and technical assistance.  We often refer to the individuals doing practice facilitation work as Practice Facilitators, but in reality they go by many names such as Quality Improvement Coordinator, Quality Improvement Facilitator, Evaluation and Improvement Leads, among others.    

Webinars occur monthly between September through June, from 2:00-3:00 pm on the first Monday of the month.  If the first Monday of the month is a holiday, webinars will usually be conducted on the second Monday of the month.  

Scroll down to the bottom of this page to see a list of our upcoming webinars. 

Yes, webinars are recorded and shared in the secure Learn@AMA collaborative website.

Once you register for the network, your registration will be processed and you will receive calendar invites via email to all upcoming webinar sessions. The invitation will contain session information along with a Zoom link to join the session. 

We have identified some of the most frequent causes of this issue and offer the following troubleshooting tips: 

  1. If your email address has changed, please notify the networks team by emailing
  2. Check your Junk folder for the missing messages.
  3. If your Focused Inbox is enabled, check your Other tab for the missing messages. 
  4. Make sure your mailbox isn't full or close to its limit.
  5. Check your inbox filter and sort settings.
  6. Check your Blocked senders and Safe senders list. Add the following email addresses to your safe list, (for more information on adding senders to your safe list go to this article)
  7. Check to see if email forwarding is enabled.
  8. Contact your IT support to inquire about enhanced security settings that may be blocking certain senders.


Please email your request to

Practice Facilitation Network Registration

Sign-up to become a member of the Practice Facilitation (PF) Network

Members receive access to exclusive webinars, discussion boards and resources while connecting with likeminded colleagues across the province, expanding their knowledge base and network.

Register Now