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Med Access EMR Guide for Home to Hospital to Home Transitions

This EMR guide will provide recommendations about how to utilize the Med Access EMR in primary care clinic settings to optimize processes for paneled patients transitioning from home to hospital and home again.


This electronic medical record (EMR) guide will provide recommendations about how to utilize the Med Access EMR in primary care clinic settings to optimize processes for paneled patients transitioning from home to hospital and home again. It is a companion guide to the H2H2H Transitions Change Package.

Foundational EMR Guides

Before starting on the H2H2H Transitions Change Package, it is suggested that clinic teams have completed foundational improvement work in other areas of Patient’s Medical Home. These recommendations can be found in the H2H2H Transitions Change Package Summary. The EMR Guide for Patient's Medical Home provides guidance on several foundational topics such as:

  • panel identification and management
  • searches
  • problem lists
  • care planning
  • measurement

Guide Format

This guide provides EMR guidance for Potentially Better Practices (PBP) and Process Measures found in the H2H2H Transitions Change Package. They are provided in the order presented in the H2H2H Transitions Change Package, which may not reflect the order in which a clinic team may undertake the improvements.

Potentially Better Practices

Quality improvement (QI) is a systematic approach to monitoring practice efforts, reviewing and reflecting on the current state and looking for opportunities to improve. Measurement can be a way to monitor clinic operations and improvement. Each PBP has a list of proposed process measures that measures whether an activity has been accomplished. Process Measures are often used to determine if a PDSA cycle was carried out as planned. The following are recommendations to implement within your EMR.

EMR Advice to Potentially Better Practices

The following are organized by Potentially Better Practices (PBP) and their Process Measures outlined in the H2H2H Transitions Change Package Summary where EMR may be of assistance. For more rationale on the PBP refer to the Evidence Summary. For an additional list of measures and examples, refer to the Measurement Guide.

Taking the time to establish these EMR practices will build transferable skills and capacity. Additional information about the technical enabler can be found on the CII/CPAR web page.

Standardized Text

Wherever possible teams should use standardized text. This may take include multi select observations like dropdown lists or, macros which specify standardized text that can be dropped into free text fields. For more information about how to use observations or macros in Med Access, see the online help files.

There are additional options to explore within the features and functionality of the Med Access EMR to accomplish the recommended steps outlined in this section of the guide.

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