Panel Processes Change Package Summary

What is the purpose?

The purpose of the Panel Processes Change Package is to assist primary care clinics in optimizing processes for panel management.

What is the aim statement?

By a specific date, the provider can produce a confirmed list of their patient panel.

What is the outcome measure?

The number of patients on a confirmed panel list to plan proactive care.

What constitutes the balancing measure?

The clinic team's satisfaction with the panel process.

High Impact Changes

  1. Identify patients on the panel

    1.1 Potentially Better Practice

    At every interaction, ask who the patient identifies as their primary provider and confirm their demographics.

    Process Measures
    The number of patients with unassigned primary provider.


    Guide to Panel Identification
    1.2 Potentially Better Practice

    Mark the EMR (i.e., date stamp) as the patient’s status, demographic information and primary provider, have been confirmed and updated.

    Process Measures
    The number of patients with confirmed demographic and primary provider information.


    STEP Checklist STEP Toolkit STEP Workbook
    1.3 Potentially Better Practice

    Review HQCA Primary Healthcare Panel Report with team members. Suggested section:

    • Panel Characteristics

    Process Measures
    HQCA Primary Healthcare Panel Report distribution of patient continuity (%) to physician


    HQCA Primary Healthcare Panel Reports
  2. Maintain panel processes

    2.1 Potentially Better Practice

    Establish a process for confirming attachment to practice for patients not seen within the past three years.

    Process Measures
    The number of patients on the panel that have not been seen within the past three years.


    Panel Maintenance Tool
    2.2 Potentially Better Practice

    Assign an EMR status to each patient to isolate the active panel.


    EMR Resources
    2.3 Potentially Better Practice

    Submit panels to CII/CPAR and resolve conflicts.

    Process Measures
    The number of patients on CPAR conflict report.


    CII/CPAR Team Toolkit for Primary Care Panels, Panel Conflicts, Demographic Mismatches
  3. Optimize care management for the panel

    3.1 Potentially Better PracticeS

    Review HQCA Primary Healthcare Panel Report with team members. Suggested sections:

    • Preventive Care
    • Chronic Conditions


    HQCA Primary Healthcare Panel Reports
    3.2 Potentially Better Practice

    Select a clinical focus area to improve care for your patients.


    Clinical Practice Guidelines Change Packages
    3.3 Potentially Better Practice

    Generate patient lists for planning team-based care

    Process Measures
    The number of:

    • patients eligible for care intervention
    • offers of care
    • completed care activities (e.g. screening maneuvers, interventions)


    EMR Resources