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Relational Continuity Change Package Summary

What is the purpose?

The purpose of the Relational Continuity Change Package is to assist primary care clinics in optimizing processes for relational continuity.

What is the aim statement?

By a specific date, the clinic team will have improved average physician relational continuity by a specific percentage.

What do I need to do before proceeding?

This is the foundational change package that should be reviewed:

Panel Processes Change Package Summary

High Impact Changes

  1. Recognize the value

    1.1 Potentially Better Practice

    Plan regular team meetings to review the benefits and importance of relational continuity between patients and primary care physicians and to begin planning around how to apply to your clinic context.

    Process Measures
    Team meetings are scheduled regularly.


    Relational Continuity Guideline
    1.2 Potentially Better Practice

    Develop a plan to work as a team to create processes to strengthen relational continuity, with the recognition that it is the foundational building block for achieving management and informational continuity.


    HQCA Primary Healthcare Panel Reports
    1.3 Potentially Better Practice

    Identify elderly patients, vulnerable populations, and those with complex needs or multiple chronic conditions who may benefit most from improved continuity.


    Evidence Summary: The Benefits of Relational Continuity
    1.4 Potentially Better Practice

    Apply knowledge into practice that recognizes that all patients benefit from relational continuity.


    An Albertan Perspective - IHE Innovation Forum Video


  2. Foster patient and provider team relationships

    2.1 Potentially Better Practice

    Make explicit agreement with the patient that the identified primary care physician will provide and/or coordinate their healthcare needs.


    Guide to Panel Identification
    2.2 Potentially Better Practice

    Partner with patients for shared decision-making and explore their values and preferences.


    Setting Effective Patient-Centred Goals Guide
    2.3 Potentially Better Practice

    Develop modes of communication and care plans where all primary care team members respect and honour patients and families as team members in shared decision-making.

  3. Advise and advocate continuity

    3.1 Potentially Better Practice

    Promote and advocate the value of continuity to all patients and within the health system.

    • Within practice, within the community
    • Advocate within the health system by communicating and raising awareness of the value.
    • Educate and empower patients, families and caregivers to resolve discontinuity.


    Continuity Posters Continuity Advocacy Tool
  4. Identify and manage your panel

    4.1 Potentially Better Practice

    Take steps to identify your panel of unique patients (those with whom you have a trusting, ongoing therapeutic relationship).

    • Develop processes for panel identification and ongoing verification and maintenance.
    • Ask your patients at every opportunity, document consistently, review your list.


    Guide to Panel Identification STEP Checklist STEP Toolkit STEP Workbook
    4.2 Potentially Better Practice

    Review and actively manage your panel size.

    4.3 Potentially Better Practice

    Identify and focus on sub-populations that may benefit most from continuity (e.g., elderly patients, vulnerable populations, and those with complex needs or multiple chronic conditions).

    • Develop processes to identify patient lists of clinical need.
    • Routinely review patient lists (whether patients still belong there or not).


    CII/CPAR EMR Guide for PMH EMR Resources
  5. Enable continuity via office processes

    5.1 Potentially Better Practice

    Test and adopt office processes to improve continuity with a goal where your patients visit their own primary care physician >80% of the time.

    • Test and apply the hierarchy of booking processes to maintain continuity when patients cannot see their own primary care physician.


    Hierarchy of Booking
  6. Balance demand for care with capacity (supply)

    6.1 Potentially Better Practice

    Apply the following principles and strategies for access improvement:

    • Match appointment demand to supply available.
    • Optimize the care team to enhance and maximize capacity.
    • Address scheduling complexities to maximize use of appointment time.
    • Utilize contingency planning for both scheduled and unscheduled time away.

    Improving Access to Primary Care Strategies document in progress.

    Strategies to Reduce Demand


  7. Measure baseline continuity and track progress

    7.1 Potentially Better Practice

    Obtain data to know your current rate of continuity and identify a baseline from which to improve.


    HQCA Primary Healthcare Panel Reports
    7.2 Potentially Better Practice

    Develop, as a team, a goal (aim statement) that focuses on improving continuity.

    7.3 Potentially Better Practice

    Continue to measure, share and display your progress toward a goal of >80% continuity.

    7.4 Potentially Better Practice

    The following measure of continuity can be accessed via HQCA Primary Healthcare Panel Reports:

    • Physician Continuity – the number of patients' visits to primary care physician divided by the total number of all family physician visits
    • Average physician continuity – the sum of all individual patients' physician continuity divided by the total number of patients in the physician panel
    • Facility continuity – the number of family physician visits to a primary care facility divided by the total number of all facility visits

    7.5 Potentially Better Practice

    General practitioner sensitive condition visits – average number of general practitioner visits to the emergency department (ED) by a specific patient population

  8. Optimize the patient care team to improve and support continuity

    8.1 Potentially Better Practice

    Develop processes to engage with patients as a member of their own care team.


    Cambridge Health Alliance Team-Based Care Toolkit
    8.2 Potentially Better Practice

    Create processes to support team-based care (e.g., algorithms, shared EMR, interdisciplinary huddles, regular meetings to discuss care and care coordination).

    8.3 Potentially Better Practice

    Develop roles and responsibilities where the skills, knowledge and training of all team members is optimized.

  9. Optimize all potential improvements in all contexts

    9.1 Potentially Better Practice

    Follow the above recommendations, particularly around access improvement to exercise all possible strategies to improve continuity.


    HQCA Primary Healthcare Panel Reports
    9.2 Potentially Better Practice

    Understand that relational continuity still holds value in all contexts and may require more innovative strategies, including engagement with other groups to creatively problem-solve together.

    9.3 Potentially Better Practice

    Recognize that improving continuity is a multifactorial pursuit that optimally requires effort in all areas of recommendations, and despite challenges, some levels of improvement can be achieved in all contexts.

    9.4 Potentially Better Practice

    Address each recommendation based on context and capacity with the support of Alberta resources, including the Continuity Change Package, PCN, and other provincial support.