There are many resources to help your clinic get signed up for CII/CPAR. Our team as well as Primary Care Networks are happy to help!
Learn How CII/CPAR Works
Review What is CII/CPAR and How Does It Work?
Learn how CII/CPAR works in your EMR
Consider attending one of the CII/CPAR training sessions
Requirements for CII/CPAR Participation
1. You are Panel Ready
Use the Panel Readiness Checklist to assess your panel readiness. You are panel ready if you can check off all items on the checklist.
For additional paneling resources, please see the Panel Processes Change Package.
2. Your Clinic is Live on Alberta Netcare*
To request Alberta Netcare access, please contact your Alberta Netcare Access Administrator or the eHealth Netcare Support Team for support at: 1-855-643-8649 or .
Additional information can also be found on the Alberta Netcare Registration Webpage.
3. Your Clinic Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) is Up-To-Date*
Completion of the PIA Update Self-Assessment is recommended.
4. You Use One of These EMRs
- Accuro
- Healthquest
- Med Access
- PS Suite
- Wolf
*If you answer "no" to one or both of these requirements, you may still proceed to Step 3 below. The eHealth Support Provider Services will help you with these requirements once you have submitted your completed Confirmation of Participation (CoP) form.
The eHealth Support Services Team Manages EMR Set-Up and Testing
After you have submitted your Confirmation of Participation (CoP), eHeath Support Services (eHSS) will contact you about your privacy risk assessment (PIA) and next steps to start the implementation process.
Go-Live Day!
The day after you go-live, you can upload panels to CPAR, view encounter information on Alberta Netcare, submit consult reports to Alberta Netcare, and start receiving eNotifications.
Optional documents to guide you through the CII/CPAR implementation steps: