Fee Navigator®

    Health Service Code 50.75E

    Percutaneous, transvascular closure of patent ductus arteriosus with umbrella


    Includes all associated catheterizations performed during the same sitting, includes pressure and oxygen saturation measurements, angiography and management of intra-procedural complications.

    Category:14 Major Procedure (pre-operative period: 30 days, post-operative period: 14 days)
    Base rate:$812.02

    Fee modifiers:

    TypeCode# of callsExplicitActionAmount
    BMIBMIANEYesIncrease By25%
    BMIBMIANTYesIncrease By25%
    BMIBMIPROYesIncrease By25%
    AGEL30Increase Base To150%
    ROLEANEYesReplace Base$550.76
    ROLEANESTYesReplace Base$18.70
    VANEL30ANIncrease By$110.16
    VANEL30ATIncrease By$110.16
    ANUANU1For Each Call Pay Base At100%
    ANUANU2 - 150For Each Call Increase By$18.70
    SURCEVYesIncrease By$48.82
    SURCNTAMYesIncrease By$117.12
    SURCNTPMYesIncrease By$117.12
    SURCWKYesIncrease By$48.82
    LMTSL44YesIncrease Base To150%
    LMTSL44ANEYesIncrease Base By$110.16
    LVPLVP75YesReduce Base To75%

    Governing Rules: