Fee Navigator®

    Health Service Code 87.6

    Removal of retained placenta

    Manual removal of retained placenta and membranes

    1. May be claimed at 100% in addition to delivery benefits regardless of who performs the delivery.
    2. May be claimed in addition to a consultation.
    Category:M Minor Procedure
    Base rate:$111.82

    Fee modifiers:

    TypeCode# of callsExplicitActionAmount
    BMIBMIANEYesIncrease By25%
    BMIBMIANTYesIncrease By25%
    BMIBMIPROYesIncrease By25%
    ROLEANEYesReplace Base$131.12
    ROLEANESTYesReplace Base$18.70
    ANUANU1For Each Call Pay Base At100%
    ANUANU2 - 150For Each Call Increase By$18.70
    UGAUGAYesReplace Base$134.85
    SURCEVYesIncrease By$48.82
    SURCNTAMYesIncrease By$117.12
    SURCNTPMYesIncrease By$117.12
    SURCWKYesIncrease By$48.82

    Governing Rules: