Nominate a Health Hero for Induction into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame (CMHF)
The AMA’s Nominating Committee is open to receiving endorsement requests annually.
If you know of a worthy candidate and would like the opportunity for an endorsement of your nomination by the AMA’s Nominating Committee, we would love to know about them!
Please print a copy of the CMHF Laureate Nomination form to use as a guide to organize your entire application before submitting your nomination package to the AMA Nominating Committee ( by January 15.
Additional resources and the list of the mandatory components to include can be found on the CMHF website.
Six Canadian medical heroes are inducted annually to the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame. CMHF Laureates are Canadian citizens whose outstanding leadership and contributions to medicine and the health sciences, in Canada or abroad, have led to extraordinary improvements in human health.
Their work may be a single meritorious contribution or a lifetime of superior accomplishments. Pioneers in their field, laureates are role models who inspire young Canadians to pursue careers in the health sciences.
The CMHF perceives health leadership to include many professions and roles including doctors, researchers, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, policy makers and more.
Nominees may be living or posthumous.