Celebrating Alberta’s family physicians on World Family Doctor Day

Joint statement from the Alberta College of Family Physicians and the Alberta Medical Association

May 19, 2022

The Alberta College of Family Physicians and Alberta Medical Association are proud to celebrate Family Doctor Day, which occurs annually on May 19. First declared by WONCA (World Organization of Family Doctors) in 2010, World Family Doctor Day recognizes the outstanding contributions of family doctors in health care systems around the world.

This year's World Family Doctor Day theme, Family Doctors, Always There to Care reflects the steadfast dependability Alberta’s physicians have demonstrated throughout the past two years of uncertainty—on the front line, in times of need, delivering 80% of care in Alberta’s communities. Together, the ACFP and AMA are helping share this message and ask Albertans to celebrate their family doctors. Despite the constant change, family doctors are always present, and continuity is a fundamental feature of their work. They are there, wherever and whenever needed, and they identify their patients’ needs to guarantee the fundamental right to health (WONCA, 2022 Pillars). 

“Without primary care, there is no health care. Family doctors are essential to their patients and the health care system,” says AMA President Dr. Vesta Michelle Warren.

"Family doctors care for their patients over time from birth to the end of life," says ACFP President Sudha Koppula, “Family physicians nurture relationships with patients and families over their lifespans. This is the unique benefit of family medicine and deserves to be recognized.”

Celebrate your family doctors through the ACFP’s “Family Docs Rock” campaign. Share why your family doctor rocks at www.familydocsrock.ca and you and your doctor could receive a Family Docs Rock t-shirt.

Alberta Medical Association Mission: Advocate for and support Alberta physicians. Strengthen their leadership in the provision of sustainable quality care.