Section 40.2 is struck down

December 20, 2022

Dr. Fredrykka Rinaldi, AMA PresidentDear Members,

Government tabled legislation December 5 to repeal Section 40.2 of the Alberta Health Care Insurance Act. This regulation enabled termination of the AMA agreement. Government committed to eliminating that provision as part of its commitments under the AMA agreement.

AMA legal counsel has advised us that Bill 4 has now received Royal Assent meaning it is now a law in full effect. We need to now prepare and forward a Discontinuance of Legal Action without costs.

You are always welcome to share your thoughts with me. You can email me via You can also comment on this letter on the AMA website.


fred Rinaldi, MD, CCFP, FCFP, LLB, MBA, MPA(HSA), BCom
President, Alberta Medical Association
"Fate whispers to the warrior, 'You can not withstand the storm.' The warrior whispers back, 'I am the storm.'"

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