President's Letter

Dr. Paul Parks, Alberta Medical Association President for 2023-24

The "voice of the AMA" – The President's Letter informs you about Alberta Medical Association positions on key issues in Alberta’s health care.

Comments on the President's Letter are welcome. Go to the most recent President's Letter (see the link below) to post a public comment.

You may also contact the AMA President by email at

Below you will find one year of the President's Letter. For older issues, visit the President's Letter archive.

President's LettersRSS

Encouraging government to see the urgency

July 24, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: In December we presented government with our Acute Care Stabilization Proposal, a comprehensive framework that will align payment models and incentives and help to stabilize acute care so that Alberta can once again be competitive in terms of physician retention and recruitment.

Why are we worried about general surgery?

July 8, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: General surgery needs attention and intervention from government! Today we launch the second issue in our advocacy campaign Acute Care Concerns. An issue paper is available. Earlier today I held a news conference with Section of General Surgery President Dr. Lloyd Mack. You can view the video of the presentation with media Q&A on our website.

Cancer care: public engaging

July 5, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: As the first theme in our Acute Care Concerns series, advocacy for cancer care has been gaining momentum in recent weeks. I have given many interviews and there have been multiple stories in the past 48 hours. The bottom line: wait times for oncologist care are unsafe and worsening. Each issue of the acute care campaign will run about six weeks, so it is time to turn our attention to our next focus: general surgery.

Our new CEO

July 2, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The Board is excited to announce Karina Guy will assume the role of AMA’s CEO as of July 18, 2024.

MUST SEE: Video comprehensive care model

June 27, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: I appreciated that about 280 members joined the June 26 Inside Scoop virtual town hall on June 25.

New land acknowledgement and town hall reminder

June 20, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: June is National Indigenous History Month in Canada, an annual event intended to celebrate and learn about the rich history and contributions of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. The AMA has chosen this month to unveil a new land acknowledgement statement, which demonstrates our deep respect for the Indigenous Peoples who have come before us and the land that hosts us.

Let's take the PCCM across the finish line

June 17, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: We know that physicians are eager to learn the details of the Physician Comprehensive Care Model (PCCM), a novel and game-changing funding option that will provide family physicians and rural generalists with the stability and incentive to provide life-long, comprehensive patient care. The PCCM will be a critical step to ensuring practices remain financially viable across Alberta.

We’re not slowing down: Read all about it.

June 12, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Your Board of Directors is not slowing our pace heading into summer; in fact, we are increasing our efforts. That was a key takeaway from last week’s Board meeting and two days of business and strategic planning for 2024-25 to deliver what you need from the AMA.

Counting oncologists

May 31, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The need for oncology care mounts swiftly every passing year with unprecedented population growth. The number of oncology spaces funded in Alberta has failed to keep pace.

Acute care video. Leaders needed

May 24, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Call it: an aneurysm ready to burst; a perfect storm; a house of cards. No matter how you describe it, the acute care system is in desperate trouble. That was the subject of our latest Inside Scoop Virtual Town Hall on May 22 with over 250 acute care, hospital and community-based specialists.

Waiting for cancer care is the new normal

May 17, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Cancer care provided in Alberta is second to none, when you can access it. Unfortunately, this expert care is no longer being delivered in a timely fashion because we do not have enough oncologists to provide the care that patients need. That’s the key message in the first issue of our new public information series Acute Care Concerns: Cancer Care.

Acute care is an aneurysm ready to rupture

May 14, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The acute care system in Alberta is like an expanding aneurysm that could rupture at any time. The clinical and operational channels through which patients flow are severely weakened; the walls containing the aneurysm are thin and ready to give. It is increasingly difficult to support and stabilize patient care. From physicians to the allied health care colleagues who provide Tier One supports, we do not have the people we need.

Capital Gains Tax: Pushing back

May 2, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: I have written to Premier Danielle Smith and requested that she ask the federal government to reconsider proposed changes to capital gains taxation included in the recently announced federal budget 2024.

The PCCM will be implemented: Announcement today

April 17, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: This morning I participated in a joint news conference with the Minister to announce that government is committing to the Physician Comprehensive Care Model with a target implementation date of fall 2024.

TFP payments, acute care, active advocacy

April 15, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The second Inside Scoop Town Hall was Thursday, April 11 and the recording is available (member log in required). Here are some comments on the discussion at the session.

Small patient panels matter, too

April 5, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: There are many reasons that smaller panels exist, from geographic location, to patient complexity, to unique demographic factors of the patient population being cared for. Some small panels exist today because the physician was unable to financially sustain full time comprehensive care and therefore had to reduce their practice to part-time while shifting to provide other services.

Stabilization payments begin today

April 4, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: As I wrote to you last week, today we will begin distributing transitional funding support payments to eligible family and rural generalist physician practices. The AMA has received the funds from Alberta Health.

Stabilization funds available - Family/rural docs

March 28, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: On April 4, transitional funding support will begin flowing to eligible family and rural generalist physician practices. This milestone follows months of relentless advocacy through the AMA and heroic efforts by the Strike Team.

RRNP retroactive payments will be made this week

March 20, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Alberta Health issued a Bulletin yesterday indicating that retroactive payments will be distributed this Friday, March 22 to physicians who are eligible for Rural Remote Northern Program (RRNP) benefits.

Positive signals - Improved CaRMS numbers and a commitment from the Premier

March 19, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The first round of Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS) numbers was released earlier today, and Alberta has fewer unmatched family medicine residency positions this year than last year. This is good news. I was pleased to see that across the country, the numbers are looking more positive. Visit our website for additional context and an at-a-glance breakdown of the match numbers.

Defining "competitive." Acute care advocacy.

March 8, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: About 350 members joined our post-budget virtual town hall on Wednesday for an update on where things stand with government and a look ahead at advocacy plans. A recording of the presentation is available on the AMA website (member login required).

With a commitment, we move forward

March 1, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: I had a chance to speak with Minister LaGrange after the budget announcement. As you know, the AMA has been advocating loudly and ceaselessly for a commitment to a new comprehensive care payment model and stabilization for family and rural medicine. I am grateful to many members who lent their voices to our SOS Save Family and Rural Medicine campaign. You were heard.

Countdown to Budget 2024

February 15, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: To the Minister, in media interviews and to the public, I have one message in the next two weeks: Family and rural practices are no longer sustainable and they need urgent support in Budget 2024.

$12 million in panel management support now available

February 9, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: You may have heard that government has released $12 million to the AMA to provide family physicians and rural generalists with support for costs related to panel management and practice improvement activities. This is part of the October 2023 release of the MAPS final reports, which included an announcement of $57 million in funding, over three years, for physicians participating in panel management. We did not negotiate these funds.

Good faith claims are now live

February 7, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Yesterday, Alberta Health issued a Bulletin announcing that their billing system has been updated and physicians can now submit eligible ‘good faith’ claims – retroactive to April 1, 2022.

Laboratory physicians ratify new agreement with Alberta Precision Laboratories

February 5, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: I am pleased to inform you that last week, after being without a contract since 2018, our colleagues in laboratory medicine voted yes to a new agreement with Alberta Precision Laboratories, effective April 1, 2022. This agreement has been a long time coming and represents the hard work and dedication of both negotiating teams.

The doctor-patient relationship is sacrosanct

February 2, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Yesterday the government announced plans to restrict access to gender-affirming treatments for pediatric trans patients. I immediately consulted with the Section of Pediatrics for the expertise these colleagues can bring regarding these vulnerable patients.

SOS: The urgency is real

January 31, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Last week we released disturbing survey results including that 61% of family and rural generalist physicians are contemplating early retirement or relocation, while one in five fear they can’t maintain their clinics more than six months.

We need your voice

January 25, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Yesterday’s news conference about the crisis in family medicine received excellent coverage. You can review the news conference recording as we highlighted new data measuring the extreme financial instability and threat to viability facing family and rural generalist physician practices.

Virtual care codes and CME update

January 24, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: We were pleased to see the Alberta Health Bulletin issued earlier today announcing that enhanced virtual care codes for mental health services are now live. Physicians can now submit eligible claims for enhanced virtual care services – retroactive to October 24, 2023. This will be welcome news for many physicians and their patients.

Family medicine crisis deepens. You can help.

January 23, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The situation in family and rural medicine isn’t just bad – it's dire. That’s what I told reporters earlier today at a news conference we held to share the results of last week’s survey of family and rural generalist physicians regarding the state of their practices and finances.

It's all about health workforce

January 10, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Through the holiday season and into this early new year, we have advocated ceaselessly for your needs with government, in the media and through social media. There have been meetings, media interviews and advertising. Through our campaign, Albertans are asking MLAs to support the immediate and long-term stabilization of family and rural generalist medicine in the upcoming Budget 2024.

Diagnosis and treatment for acute care

January 4, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: As you know, we’ve been advocating intensely and continuously to stabilize family and rural generalist practices in Alberta. I also promised you that there would be more information coming about AMA proposals to government to address the parallel crisis in acute care. We know acute care relies on a strong, comprehensive primary care system, and we are taking immediate action to stabilize this area.

Enhanced virtual codes anticipated January 17: Be ready

January 2, 2024

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The AMA has been advocating ceaselessly for virtual code changes to be implemented as promised under our agreement. Our mental health system is in deep and increasing distress. Making it possible for physicians to provide a broader scope of virtual care to these patients is not only logical, it’s essential.

Ad campaign. First action acute care crisis.

December 28, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: There are two things I wanted you to see before 2023 comes to an end: Saving family and rural generalist practices campaign materials and finding flexibility and solutions in Alternative Relationship Plans.

$100 million in stabilization family and rural generalist care

December 21, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: This afternoon I joined Minister of Health Adriana LaGrange and Premier Danielle Smith at a news conference to announce that government will apply $100 million to immediate stabilization of family and rural generalist physician practices.

A message from Alberta's health care unions and associations

December 19, 2023

For another year of supporting and caring for patients in illness and injury … we thank Alberta's health care workers. We extend our heartfelt wishes for all the best the holiday season can bring and for the year ahead. We honour your contributions by advocating for a publicly-funded and publicly-delivered health care system that provides the best patient care for all Albertans.

Keeping our foot on the gas

December 18, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The calendar year may be running down but our advocacy to urgently stabilize family physician and rural generalist practices is still at full throttle. As you know, intense discussions have been underway for weeks. They are not ceasing now.

Good Faith claims restored

December 14, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Our AMA agreement includes a letter of commitment for restoration of Good Faith claims, but not under terms that physicians could live with.

Acute care, we are acting for you!

December 11, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: AMA members are fully behind our fierce advocacy for primary care and our efforts to save and support family physician and rural generalist clinics. Everyone agrees the system has no future without this foundation.

We are taking care of your business

December 7, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: There is a lot going on! It can be challenging to keep members well informed about all that we are doing, so we’ve created a page on the website with a list of the key activities currently underway and what’s happening in each.

Your voice will matter; physician leader openings; executive news

November 30, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Earlier this month, the Minister of Health announced a plan for what is being referred to as the Health System Refocus. I provided some information on this development in an earlier President’s Letter, and I have been actively engaged with government, AMA members and the media discussing some of the pros – and a lot of the potential cons – of this approach.

Stabilization on the table, three things you need to do

November 29, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: In the time frame of Budget 2024, Minister LaGrange has committed to stabilization and restoration of family medicine and rural generalist care. The AMA has put the first stake in the ground with a proposal for immediate financial stabilization of primary care. The Strike Team has identified three priorities for stabilization

What is Primary Care?

November 23, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Yesterday we cut through the fog created by government about who provides primary care in Alberta. Our colleagues across the health care spectrum deserve respect and support. So do family physicians, who cannot be replaced by nurse practitioners. Integrated teams have been demonstrated to be the best model for primary care — evidence supports the model. It is misleading to suggest otherwise.

Moving fast to save family and rural generalist medicine practices

November 21, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: In February the government will introduce its budget for the 2024-25 fiscal year, and we are working to ensure that commitments made to support family medicine and rural generalists form part of the priorities that are included in that plan.

We are advocating relentlessly

November 17, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The Local Doctors, Local Issues tour has allowed me to engage with hundreds of physicians across the province and I continue to be impressed by your passion and insight. Wednesday night nearly 400 members joined our virtual town hall.

Government’s announcement today about health system reform

November 8, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: You are likely already aware the government has now unveiled plans to “disaggregate” health care services in our province. This restructuring will ultimately see the establishment of four separate crown corporations responsible for various aspects of health care.

We are your voice

November 3, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Yesterday afternoon, mid-way through my provincial Local Doctors, Local Issues tour, I held a news conference to broadcast what members have told me about changes needed in our health care system.

Advocating for all members

October 30, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: On October 16, I launched the province-wide Local Doctors, Local Issues tour to re-connect with members and raise awareness changes needed in the health care system.

A promise made by MOU, a virtual care announcement

October 24, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: I have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Minister of Health Adriana LaGrange that was referenced in last week’s release of the Modernizing Alberta’s Primary Health Care System (MAPS): Strategic Advisory Panel Final Report.

MAPS final report released, AMA and Alberta government to strike an MOU

October 18, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Earlier today, the Minister of Health released Modernizing Alberta’s Primary Health Care System (MAPS): Strategic Advisory Panel Final Report. Many of you were involved in extensive consultations that formed the basis of this report, and we have been waiting anxiously for its release as family medicine and primary care have continued to erode in Alberta.

Call to action

October 12, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Last week I met with Minister of Health Adriana LaGrange to discuss the ongoing crisis in family medicine and the proposal the Alberta Medical Association has submitted to address it.

The year ahead: Repairing and rebuilding

October 6, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: As I begin my AMA presidency, I have been thinking a lot about where things stand and the year ahead of us.

Thank you for the privilege of serving you

October 5, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: This is my last President’s Letter. Tuesday evening, at the AMA’s 118th Annual General Meeting, I delivered my valedictory address with thoughts at the end of my term.

RF supports next steps for Income Equity Initiative

September 28, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The Fall Representative Forum marked a major milestone in terms of the AMA’s Income Equity Initiative. Delegates expressed strong support for IEI and use of the Income Equity Measure to guide AMA decision making.

Minister's announcements

September 27, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The Representative Forum meeting last weekend included a candid session with Minister of Health Adriana LaGrange. The minister addressed the RF and then took questions from the delegates.

Top-up for one-time payment coming

September 18, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Progress continues toward implementing the agreement. Top-ups to the one-time recognition payments that were issued in December of 2022 will be made this week.

Lab physicians: Fair treatment and due process

September 14, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: I wrote to you May 31 regarding the fact that our laboratory medicine colleagues have been without a contract for five years despite our continued efforts to advance one. Alberta Health Services agreed last May to the AMA’s proposal for arbitration and this is now scheduled to take place in November.

We have a lot to talk about

September 8, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The Board meets next week in final preparations for the September 22-23 Representative Forum. The RF’s guidance will be more important than ever at this time and in this environment.

2023-24 dues

August 31, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The 2023-24 annual membership renewal statements will be sent to all members next week. After five years of frozen AMA membership dues, the Board has decided to increase dues for some membership categories. This will help the AMA to continue providing support to members in these increasingly challenging times.

Lab physicians hope for stability in latest changes to lab services

August 21, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Last week, Minister LaGrange announced that Alberta Health Services has signed a memorandum of understanding with the ownership of Dynalife, which will see the private provider (Dynalife) transfer all of its staff, operations and physical locations in the province to the government-owned Alberta Precision Labs by the end of 2023.

Family medicine crisis

August 17, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: This is another brief update on activity. There has been daily contact with government and AMA senior staff. There have been meetings between primary care physician leaders (Section of Family Medicine, Section of Rural Medicine, Primary Care Networks Physician Leads Executive) and the minister. All our representatives are aligned and clear on our commitment to membership and the need for urgent action to address the sustainability crisis in family medicine.

Second retroactive payment

August 16, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Alberta Health has released a bulletin regarding fee-for-service retroactive payments under the agreement.

Stay informed about income equity

August 11, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: You will have received an Income Equity Initiative Update from our AMA Compensation Committee Co-Chairs yesterday. I am writing to encourage members to review this update including the linked videos.

Brief update on government discussions.

August 4, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: I promised to keep you apprised about discussions with government. There have been numerous government meetings in recent weeks including with the Board of Directors, primary care physician leaders and senior staff. We have communicated at every opportunity that there is a deepening crisis in primary care and that action is needed now to stabilize community family medicine clinics. The minister has listened to our concerns.

Introducing our new Executive Director

August 1, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: After more than 30 years of service to the Alberta Medical Association, our Executive Director Mike Gormley is retiring October 1. There will be more to say about his departure, but I am writing today to let you know that the Board of Directors has conducted an exhaustive search and appointed his successor.

ARPs - Joint working group underway

July 25, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: An AMA-Alberta Health Alternative Relationship Plan Working Group will begin meeting in September, as provided for under our agreement. This is essential work to remove many barriers that have existed in developing and implementing ARPs.

Stabilizing practices, talking with government

July 19, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Community practices across the province are imploding and must be stabilized. We have been meeting with Minister of Health Adriana LaGrange and her team. The crisis in family medicine is the first priority at every table and it appears we are being heard.

Urgent discussions with government

July 11, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The Board and I have provided briefing materials and have had numerous interactions with Minister of Health Adriana LaGrange in recent days. AMA senior staff are also in contact with their counterparts at Alberta Health and Alberta Health Services.

Supporting Indigenous leaders, physician trust, safety and engagement

June 30, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: There have been multiple media reports regarding the resignation of Dr. Esther Tailfeathers from the AHS Indigenous Wellness Core. The AMA immediately commented on this with the essential voice of our Indigenous Health Committee. I also made a statement to commend a group of AHS physicians who courageously penned an open letter to media.

SCA surveys members about Connect Care

June 28, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Connect Care is one of the topics about which members contact me frequently. The Specialty Care Alliance recently conducted a survey to assess the impact on members.

Contact with the new government

June 13, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: With the election behind us and the new government in place, there are many things to get done. Minister Adriana LaGrange and I had a brief conversation this morning. I appreciated receiving her call.

Lab physicians: Essential services deserving attention

May 31, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: All specialties in our profession deserve due process for contractual discussions, with access to dispute resolution when required. I am writing you today to let you know that there’s one community in particular that is still waiting to see due process: laboratory medicine.

Election over; no time to waste

May 30, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The United Conservative Party has won the provincial election and will form the government until 2027. I have written today to Premier Smith to congratulate her on the outcome of the vote.

Parties respond to AMA questions

May 24, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The final component of our election information program is hearing from the two major parties in response to the questions we posed in our seven-topic Handle With Care series. You can find their answers here.

Watch party leaders at AMA's health care town hall

May 23, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Last night the AMA hosted a virtual patient town hall about health care with Ms. Danielle Smith and Ms. Rachel Notley. The video is now available for viewing. More than 2,200 patients joined the virtual event on a long weekend Monday evening.

Hard times, anger, but we will remain united!

May 19, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Every day, angry and frustrated members write to me about their financial challenges. I understand. I have the same issues. But we are the AMA. We don’t approach challenges as an organized labor group would. Negotiating fair and competitive compensation is a most important Key Result Area, but we seek to do this in a way that benefits patient care. We are more than dollars and cents in a contract. We seek value for patients and fairness for physicians.

Election issue 7: Primary Care

May 11, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Today we release the final issue of our election information program Handle With Care. The primary care profile addresses: the state of family medicine; the need to sustainably support clinics and family physicians that are in crisis; and the value of providing every Albertan with a medical home.

Election issue 6: Drug Poisoning Crisis

May 5, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Recent years have caused at-risk individuals in cities and towns to become homeless or lose access to support for substance use disorders or mental illness. While they have struggled to get the help they need, increasingly toxic street drugs have taken a horrible toll. We lost 1,498 vulnerable Albertans in 2022 to unintentional drug poisoning. In 2019 that number was 626.

Celebrating National Physicians’ Day; initial thoughts on MAPS statement

May 1, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Today is National Physicians’ Day. A day to celebrate the contributions of the extraordinary people who choose to serve in the medical profession. Also, Ministter of Health Jason Copping has released a statement on the final reports from the Modernizing Alberta's Primary Health Care System (MAPS) initiative. While we have yet to see the full report, we do have some preliminary comments to share with members.

Election issue 5: Indigenous health

April 28, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The most recent issue in our Handle with Care election information program explores Indigenous health. By almost every measure, First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples in Alberta experience poorer health outcomes as a result of ongoing health inequities and barriers to care. This is evident in higher rates of chronic illness, mental health challenges and addiction. It’s unacceptable that this reality persists in 2023.

Family medicine spots still unfilled in Alberta

April 27, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS) reported an unprecedented number of unfilled family medicine spaces in Alberta in their round one match this year. Unfortunately, the second round of matching has filled only 20 of the 42 vacancies.

Funds offered through CII/CPAR Acceleration Grant now available

April 24, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The Community Information Integration and Central Patient Attachment Registry (CII/CPAR) enables physicians and their teams to share patient information to Alberta Netcare directly from their electronic medical record (EMR).

Election issue 4: Rural health care

April 21, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The latest issue in our Handle with Care election information program is Rural Health Care. Pick almost any topic in health care and you will find the environment is more complicated or resources more scarce in rural settings. It’s the nature of rural medicine but it’s more difficult than ever right now.

JPAC Gratitude Program

April 20, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The Joint Physician Advocacy Committee seeks to understand member issues in practice and advises the AMA on our advocacy activities. JPAC has found that while there are many things that physicians need as professionals, we also have needs as individuals.

Election issue 3: Pediatric mental health still poor

April 11, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The third issue of the AMA’s election information campaign is Pediatric Mental Health. This care deficit issue deserves a lot of attention.

AHS payments need consistency and structure

April 6, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The AMA Agreement package includes an AMA-Alberta Health Services Memorandum of Understanding with an Engagement Framework for physician compensation in AHS facilities. The AMA has been advocating for this approach, including: consistent, transparent principles; structure that guides policy according to system objectives; clear roles and responsibilities; physician engagement; and dispute resolution.

Year one allocation complete; new SOMB posted

April 3, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Alberta Health sent a bulletin today letting physicians know that the year one allocation has been completed and a new Schedule of Medical Benefits has been issued. These changes are already reflected in the AMA’s Fee Navigator® and we’ve put together background information, including a short video, about the allocation process.

Election issue 2: Health Human Resources

March 31, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Last week we launched our pre-election information program to help keep health care front and center during the election. There are seven main issues that are important to physicians and their patients. Today we release the second issue: Health Human Resources. We conclude with three key questions for candidates and political parties to answer.

Members react re CaRMS

March 30, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: I’ve received many emails from members regarding the first round CaRMS results.

2022 Medical Liability Reimbursement top-up payments

March 27, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: I am writing to share with you information about the 2022 Medical Liability Reimbursement top-up payments that will be issued shortly by Alberta Health.

CaRMS numbers alarming

March 27, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The first round CaRMS numbers from last week are alarming. We have 42 unmatched family medicine residency positions in Alberta. In BC there are two; in Saskatchewan, none.

Election program launches today

March 24, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Today we launch a public information program to help ensure that health care remains front and center for Albertans in the coming provincial election. We hope it will help them to consider their own expectations from the system. We will be communicating via website and social media and to members via President’s Letters.

2022-23 CME Program now open

March 23, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The 2022-23 Continuing Medical Education Program provides a benefit of $2,200 per physician and is administered by the AMA. This program reimburses CME expenses incurred between April 1, 2022, and March 31, 2023.

MAPS virtual session

March 17, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Government is moving forward with the Modernizing Alberta’s Primary Health Care System (MAPS) initiative. The AMA is fortunate to have strong representation from physician leaders in the work that is being done. Further announcements are expected soon.

Post-RF update

March 15, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The Representative Forum held a productive two-day meeting March 10 and 11 in Calgary. Read more about the major topics discussed.

Anti-Indigenous bias

March 6, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Following media reports on a study that identified explicit anti-Indigenous bias among some Alberta physicians, I have released a statement.

The crisis is not over

March 3, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Members have commented about a recent media event with the Premier, Minister of Health and Alberta Health Services Official Administrator. At this public relations event the OA outlined progress on his mandated tasks relating to reduced surgical wait times, emergency room wait times and emergency medical services response times.

Budget response

March 1, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Yesterday’s budget includes new funds for a health care system under stress, but it is difficult to determine how much.

Health care in the provincial budget and election

February 27, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The two major parties have both released statements about primary health care. Polling suggests that health care will dominate the general election (May 29 or earlier) and the provincial budget (Tuesday, February 28).

ARP retro payments

February 24, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: There is a new Alberta Health Bulletin regarding 2022-23 retroactive payments for physicians in clinical alternative relationship plans, Academic Medicine Health Services Program, sessional clinical alternative relationship plans and Blended Capitation Model. Each category has a payment schedule that is explained in the bulletin.

MAPS announcement first reaction

February 21, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Government has announced short-term proposals from the Modernizing Alberta’s Primary Health Care System (MAPS) initiative and funding for primary care in the provincial budget.

Board thoughts about MAPS

February 20, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The MAPS initiative, an Alberta Health initiative involving numerous professions and organizations, is progressing. I thank the expert physician leaders who have worked for months to develop AMA proposals to improve the primary care system.

How does the system work?

February 10, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The Joint Physician Advocacy Committee advises the Alberta Medical Association about our public advocacy. They have suggested that the AMA should tell the public more about how the system works, what’s happening and how physicians contribute.

Federal funding announcement

February 8, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Yesterday the federal government announced a proposed new health funding framework with the provinces and territories, prioritizing primary care, health workforce wellness, health human resources and innovation toward sustainability.

Board digging into your issues

February 2, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: There are always many things going on in the AMA and I like to keep you informed about our current priorities even if the next steps or outcomes are still unknown.

MAPS Innovation Forum update

January 24, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The Modernizing Alberta's Primary Health Care System (MAPS) initiative has been set up to recommend short- and long-term actions to strengthen primary health care in Alberta.

Tracking the care deficit

January 13, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Today I am releasing our latest tracking data on the care deficit and the impact on patient care disrupted by the pandemic. This survey took place in November 2022 and we have been tracking the care deficit since summer 2021.

Recognizing our Past President

January 6, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Please join me in congratulating Dr. Warren on being recognized with a Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal.

First retroactive fee-for-service payments coming January 13

January 5, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The first of two fee-for-service retroactive payments for the 2022-23 fiscal year will be deposited January 13, 2023.

Independent pharmacist clinics weaken comprehensive care

January 3, 2023

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: I have heard from many of you with concerns about the increasing number of independent pharmacist clinics in the province. This is an important issue.

Thank you and well done

December 23, 2022

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: In these last days of 2022, the Board of Directors has one message for the membership of the Alberta Medical Association: You are all heroes.

Section 40.2 is struck down

December 20, 2022

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Government tabled legislation December 5 to repeal Section 40.2 of the Alberta Health Care Insurance Act. This regulation enabled termination of the AMA agreement. Government committed to eliminating that provision as part of its commitments under the AMA agreement.

Special thanks to the Canadian Medical Association

December 19, 2022

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: I want to share with you a letter of thanks that was sent to the Canadian Medical Association on behalf of all members of the AMA last week.

BCP rate goes up tomorrow

December 15, 2022

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The agreement provides for an increase of the Business Costs Program rate from $2.95 to $3.59. This change goes into effect tomorrow, December 16. Current BCP program assessment rules remain the same.

One-time payment coming - Three things to know and do

December 14, 2022

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: The one-time payment will be issued by end of December. Most physicians will be eligible for the full payment. To receive your payment, you must renew your membership if you haven't already done so.

Alert! Apply by January 27 for 2021-22 CME expenses

December 6, 2022

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Currently there are two separate Continuing Medical Education (CME) benefit programs to consider. Physicians have until January 27, 2023 to submit their claim for the $2,100 benefit for expenses incurred between April 1, 2021 and March 31, 2022.

Repealing 40.2

December 5, 2022

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Today government has tabled legislation to repeal Section 40.2 of the Alberta Health Care Insurance Act. This regulation enabled termination of the AMA agreement and its repeal was a commitment by government under the new agreement.

Effective December 1, daily cap on services is removed

December 1, 2022

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: In case you missed it, Alberta Health sent a bulletin earlier announcing that effective December 1 (today), the daily cap on the number of services a physician can fully bill for will be officially lifted.

Program details you need to read

November 24, 2022

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: I wrote to you briefly on November 2 and more details are now available. I have noted below things that you need to know or do at this time. For those who want to read more, links are provided for each item.

Daily cap temporarily removed, lump sum payment details

November 21, 2022

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Since our agreement with government was ratified, we have been making progress on various pieces of implementation. Today, in a joint news conference with the minister, we announced that there will no longer be a daily cap on the number of services a physician can fully bill for.

Administrator replaces AHS Board

November 17, 2022

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: Today the government announced that the Board of Directors of Alberta Health Services has been replaced by an administrator. We thank the AHS board for their service.

Advocacy for continued precautions in virus season

November 15, 2022

PRESIDENT'S LETTER: As school settles in and respiratory viruses surge, the AMA has been advocating on social media platforms to encourage Albertans to take preventive precautions, including masking in crowded venues and, vaccination for COVID and seasonal influenza.

Alberta Medical Association Mission: Advocate for and support Alberta physicians. Strengthen their leadership in the provision of sustainable quality care.