Strategic Clinical Networks (SCNs)

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SCNs are Alberta-wide teams that bring together the expertise of health care professionals, researchers, government, communities, patients and families in delivering health care to Albertans. Each SCN focuses on a particular area of health.

How does the Alberta Medical Association support SCNs?

The AMA has met with SCN medical leads to discuss how we can help with specialty care delivery strategies.

Further discussions will relate to the implementation of the AMA Agreement, including the System-Wide Efficiencies and Savings Consultation Agreement.

Over the past 18 months, with support from the AMA, 14 family physician primary care representatives have been assigned to SCNs.

Learn more about SCNs

SCNs are a way in which Alberta can achieve:

  • On-going improvement in patient outcomes and satisfaction.
  • Improvements in the sustainability of our health system.

SCNs align, support and empower teams of clinicians, strategy leaders, operational leaders, researchers, patients and other important community leaders and stakeholders with the appropriate tools, accountability, responsibility and authority for shared clinical, strategic and tactical decision-making.

The focus is on prevention and on improving the quality of care delivery. Critical to the success of these networks will be engaging physicians at all levels.

Alberta Health Services has more information on its website: Learn more

Alberta Medical Association Mission: Advocate for and support Alberta physicians. Strengthen their leadership in the provision of sustainable quality care.