PMSP Frequently Asked Questions

Updated: April 30, 2024

What is the AMA's role in PMSP?

What is panel management?


If I am a new primary care physician in Alberta, will I be eligible for the funding?

Will I still be eligible for funding if I am planning on retiring or closing my practice during the time the grant funding is being distributed?

Are there physicians who are not eligible to receive the PMSP payment?

Are locums eligible?

Do I need to be a member of a PCN to be eligible for the PMSP?


If physicians are paid through a clinic, will their payments be paid to that clinic?

How often will I receive payment?

Are PMSP payments taxable income?

How do I ensure I’m getting the maximum payment?

Is there an appeal process if I feel I haven't received the correct amount of funding?

How does the PMSP determine which physicians practice in urban or rural areas?

Panel size

Why is my AH panel size for the PMSP different than other panel sizes?

Why are my PMSP panel sizes different each quarter?

When will panel sizes be calculated for PMSP?

How can I find out what AH has calculated my panel size to be for PMSP?

Will my out of province patients be allocated to my PMSP panel size?

Can I manually upload my panel?

Audit and declaration

Will there be an audit for the PMSP?

Do I need to repeat the declaration to receive ongoing funding?

How do I sign the declaration?


Are patients on CPAR conflict reports allocated to a physician’s panel size for PMSP?

How does participating in CII/CPAR help with PMSP?

What happens if I share my CPAR panel with another physician?

Some patients see a family physician regularly, but have requested not to be included in their panels submitted to CPAR. Will they still be counted as patients for the purposes of the PMSP?

Can family physicians retroactively upload panel data to CPAR in order to receive a larger PMSP payment?

Some physicians have more than one panel submitting data to CPAR. How does this affect their PMSP payments?

Alberta Medical Association Mission: Advocate for and support Alberta physicians. Strengthen their leadership in the provision of sustainable quality care.