TFP Frequently Asked Questions

Updated April 30, 2024 

What is the AMA's role in the TFP?


I eligible to receive a TFP payment if I will be leaving Alberta?

Am I eligible to receive a TFP payment if I will be on parental leave before March 2025?

Am I eligible to receive a TFP payment if I am retiring before March 2025?

Why is the TFP widget not showing on my AMA Member Dashboard?

Are there physicians who are not eligible to receive the TFP payment?


If physicians are paid through a clinic, will their payments be paid to that clinic?

Are TFP payments taxable income?

Panel size

How can I find out what AH has calculated my panel size to be for TFP?

Why is my panel size for the TFP different than other panel sizes?

Is there an appeal process if I feel my panel size was not calculated correctly or reflects my practice?

Can I manually upload my panel?

Audit and declaration

Will there be an audit for the TFP?

Is the declaration for the Panel Management Support Program (PMSP) different than the declaration for the TFP?

How do I sign the declaration?


Are patients on CPAR conflict reports allocated to a physician’s panel size for TFP?

What happens if I share my CPAR panel with another physician?

Can family physicians retroactively upload panel data to CPAR to receive a larger TFP payment?

Some physicians have more than one panel submitting data to CPAR. How does this affect their TFP payments?

Alberta Medical Association Mission: Advocate for and support Alberta physicians. Strengthen their leadership in the provision of sustainable quality care.