Participate in the Alberta Medical Association

Fall 2022 RF

What your association can do for you

Working together as an association, we advocate for a quality health care system that puts Patients First®.

Ways to engage with your professional association

Find out about the many ways to engage with your professional association. 

Representative Forum (RF)

The AMA is governed by the RF, which includes representatives from all sectors of the profession:

  • sections
  • regions
  • medical students
  • resident physicians
  • past presidents
  • deans of medicine

The RF meets at least twice a year to set direction for the AMA board. All AMA members are welcome to attend as observers or to serve as delegates.

Get more information about the RF

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors develops and implements policies based on directions set by the RF. The AMA board includes the AMA president, president-elect and immediate past president, two observers and 10 directors who are elected by RF delegates.

The board meets six to eight times a year. The AMA president serves a one-year term, in addition to one year each as president-elect and immediate past president. Elections are held at the RF, with about one-third of the board elected each year.

Get more information about the Board of Directors

Member sections

AMA sections represent the different practice areas of the profession and convey the views of members to AMA committees or to the Board of Directors. Sections also influence:

  • Negotiations.
  • Changes and allocation of increases to the physician services budget.
  • Patient-care initiatives.

We encourage you to support your section by:

  • Paying active member dues.
  • Attending section annual general meetings.
  • Participating on the section executive.

Get more information about member sections

Section News


Members share their expertise and develop their leadership skills by participating on various standing, ad hoc and special committees.

Our committees need a continuity of experience and a cross-section of regional, specialty and gender representation. Each January and February, you can download an application form from our website. The AMA's MD Scope will also include information about volunteer opportunities during this time.

Get more information about committees

MD Scope


To keep you informed, each September before our AGM, we will send you reports from the AMA’s:

  • CEO
  • RF Committee on Constitution and Bylaws
  • auditors

These reports and other issues are discussed at each AGM. In addition, the new AMA president is installed, and we present AMA long-service, achievement and members emeritus awards. All AMA members are welcome to attend the AGM.

Get more information about AGM reports and resolutions

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Alberta Medical Association Mission: Advocate for and support Alberta physicians. Strengthen their leadership in the provision of sustainable quality care.