Advocating for Physicians

Shannon E. Rupnarain, Executive Vice President, Public Affairs

The Alberta Medical Association advocates on behalf of physicians to support them in their financial health, well-being, and as leaders in the health care system.


  • The AMA Agreement: The AMA represents physicians in negotiations with government and Alberta Health Services.
  • Other negotiations: Upon request, the AMA assist groups of physicians in their negotiations with payors outside of the fee-for-service payment system. 


  • Under our agreements with government the AMA has a significant role in managing the flow of funds to physicians from the physician services budget. This includes development and management of different compensation models.

Member Relations

  • The AMA produces a broad number of resources and publications to keep members informed and support them in their practice. From providing benefits forms and online billing advice to publications such as MD Scope and the Alberta Doctors Digest to our News for Docs clippings service, we enable physicians to save time and money, stay informed and engage with the public and other groups.


  • Public Image: The AMA and CMA influence the public's perception of physicians through media relations programs designed to provide accurate, balanced information, public awareness campaigns to convey physician points-of-view, and building relationships among various groups.
  • Health Advocacy: By profiling issues or concerns and by responding to legislative changes, the AMA voices physicians' views on matters that have an impact on health care.
  • Alberta Medical Foundation: Our charitable foundation is dedicated to promoting the research, study and appreciation of Alberta's history of medicine.

Government Relations

  • The AMA pursues a non-partisan government relations profile. Our objectives are to explain to political leaders of all parties that physicians can and should be valued partners in leading the health care system. For more information contact Shannon Rupnarain.

Some of the other services and programs we provide to members are:

Alberta Medical Association Mission: Advocate for and support Alberta physicians. Strengthen their leadership in the provision of sustainable quality care.