Element 8: Management Committee


The Management Committee (MC) has overall authority to manage the agreement. The MC is comprised of the Deputy Minister of Health and the AMA Executive Director or their designates. The specific roles, responsibilities and duties of the MC are laid out in Schedule 3 of the AMA Agreement. Generally, these include:

  • Ensuring the scope and purposes of the AMA Agreement are followed and implemented.
  • Providing general direction to the Physician Compensation Committee (PCC).
  • Recommending potential PCC chair candidates to the Minister and President.
  • Managing the terms and conditions of the contract for the chair of the PCC.

You might ask

Q8.1 Are there any decisions the MC cannot make?

  • The MC does not have the authority to overrule or set aside a properly made decision/recommendation of the PCC.

AMA Agreement document references

  • Document reference 1: Page 6, Section 7.
  • Document reference 2: Page 14, Schedule 3.

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