Detailed program guidelines for funding eligibility

  1. Each eligible physician who implemented a VCUR 2008 EMR solution by January 31, 2014, is eligible for a maximum reimbursement of up to $35,000 (70% of $50,000), including GST.
  2. Physicians with incomplete data management activities as of February 15, 2014, are eligible to have the remaining costs funded at 100% up to the outstanding amount calculated at that date. Eligible physicians will be notified of the amounts outstanding and will be eligible for reimbursement of actual expenses based on invoices submitted to the Alberta Medical Association (AMA). Reimbursement for these data management costs is not drawn from the physician’s reimbursement cap of $35,000. All invoices for outstanding data management costs must be received by September 30, 2014. Invoices received after this date will not be reimbursed.
  3. Reimbursement is subject to the "Administration requirements for VCUR 2008 invoice-based reimbursement."
  4. A physician may choose to change his/her declared clinic. The physician must submit a new Direct Deposit Form and/or a Change Request Form. In these situations:
    • Eligibility for receiving the maximum $35,000 reimbursement does not change.
    • The physician may carry any remaining eligible reimbursement amounts forward to the next declared clinic with a VCUR 2008 EMR solution, if any (i.e., $35,000 less any VCUR 2008 reimbursement received to date).
    • The AMA is not responsible for reimbursement of any additional costs associated with existing agreements between the departing physician and the clinic and/or vendor that he/she is leaving.
  5. Reimbursement is made on the condition that physicians pay their vendor invoices. Failure to pay may result in reimbursement being suspended and risk eligibility for ongoing funding.
  6. Physicians will be reimbursed only for invoices for the declared clinic EMR solution.
  7. If a physician leaves a clinic using a VCUR 2008 EMR solution, the physician and the clinic must determine who is responsible for the remaining costs of the solution.
    • If the physician assumes liability for remaining costs, the AMA will honor that commitment and reimburse the physician for eligible remaining costs incurred.
    • The physician may use the remainder of their available funding to support a VCUR 2008 EMR solution at another clinic (to a maximum of $35,000, including GST).
  8. Reimbursement to physicians is based on actual costs incurred for the operation of EMRs. The AMA has an obligation to make adjustments if the actual cost of the EMR is reduced due to a refund, rebate or discount. If a qualified service provider is giving physicians a rebate or refund, they may do so in one of two ways:
    • The discounted amount will be reflected as an adjustment on the next invoice, of which the AMA will pay 70% of the reduced invoice.
    • The refunded amount will be sent to the physician/clinic directly if the invoice has been paid. If the AMA has already provided the physician’s reimbursement, the physician will need to return 70% of the refunded amount to the AMA.

Once the refund is provided, the AMA will reinstate the physician’s reimbursement maximum by the corresponding amount.

The AMA advances patient-centered, quality care by advocating for and supporting physician leadership and wellness.