2022-23 AMA Business Plan Mid-Year Update

Key Result Areas, Goals and Related Activities


The 2022-23 AMA Business Plan, approved in September was developed with a continued focus on essential deliverables, while working towards a new agreement with government. The ratification of the AMA Agreement in October, creates a more stable environment, introduced several new deliverables, and created new policy opportunities, which were not part of the original business plan.  

As a result, following the ratification of the Agreement, the Board undertook a review and produced a 2022-23 Business Plan Update, highlighting the new activities and providing an updated financial forecast.  

New Activities

Most of the priority activities identified in the 2022-23 Business Plan remain, except for those related to the negotiations itself (Master Agreement negotiations, lawsuit, etc.).  What has changed in some cases, is how these deliverables will be achieved, with formal mandates now in place under new agreement structures. Updates on these items are provided in Part 2 of this update below.

The new activities were outlined in detail in the Business Plan Update document on the AMA website. Updates on these activities, are provided in Part 1 of this update below and are grouped into four categories: 

  1. Implementing the Agreement – These activities are the specific deliverables included in the AMA Agreement itself, with varying time horizons.
  2. Policy initiatives and opportunities (MAPS, ASI) – These are new opportunities to advance physician and patient interests in key areas of government policy, made possible because of the more stable environment.
  3. Government relations and advocacy – With the Agreement in place, we have an opportunity to work collaboratively with government to improve the system, while continuing to hold them accountable.
  4. Rebuild and reconnect – These are new activities aimed at strengthening section governance, improving the diversity of our physician leadership and reconnecting with members.

Updated Budget Forecast

The budget forecast updated in Part 3, incorporates the shifts and net reduction in expected spending with the new agreement in place as well as the new revenue forecast.

Part 1 – New Activities

These additional activities were included in the 2022/23 Business Plan Update, prepared by management and approved by the Board following ratification of the AMA Agreement.

New Activities

View additional activities that were included in the 2022-23 Business Plan Update, prepared by AMA management and approved by the AMA Board of Directors following ratification of the AMA Agreement.

Part 3 – Updated Budget Forecast

Incorporates the shifts and net reduction in expected spending with the new agreement in place as well as the new revenue forecast.

Mid-year update: Financial Update

The financial update is based on the most current financial results and a review of the status of AMA activities.

Alberta Medical Association Mission: Advocate for and support Alberta physicians. Strengthen their leadership in the provision of sustainable quality care.